Friday, September 27, 2013

A Government Shutdown and NYC

Everyone has of course been hearing about the possible government shutdown for ages now...this is specifically about how it will affect NYC...from the Huffington Post

Government Shutdown: How It Would Affect New York City

First Posted: 04/07/11 10:58 AM ET Updated: 06/07/11 06:12 AM ET
Statue Of Liberty
In the increasingly likely event of a government shutdown, New Yorkers would continue to receive Medicaid, but they can forget about visiting the Statue of Liberty.
From the Daily News:
... thousands of city-based federal workers who do everything from processing passport applications to maintaining national parks face unpaid furloughs. Also, some city services could face cutbacks down the line because about 10% of New York's revenue comes from Washington, City Hall sources said.
Veterans could see their disability checks delayed, new Social Security claims will be filed slowly, if at all and new applicants for food stamps and welfare benefits will probably be out of luck. Those already receiving welfare or food stamps should not be affected, and current Medicaid recipients should be in the clear barring a long shutdown.

The Post Office will continue to deliver mail, but work at Superfund sites will be halted.

The Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, Grant's Tomb, Federal Hall and the African Burial Ground will all be closed.

The prospect of not being able to visit Lady Liberty upset one teenager who told WCBS, "The Statue of Liberty is cool and everybody comes out to see it. Yes, it would be a shame if it shut down."

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