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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

What is most recent about NY Mayoral Race? And a note about Eliot Spitzer too...

OK, we know the heat is on Anthony Weiner to looking for a good update here on the scene as a whole, maybe opinionated but so what

OK, here is a LOAD of opinion from Huffington Post--including article about Eliot Spitzer, another sex scandal guy who is not running for Mayor but for Comptroller...but having problems similar to Weiner's

Tom Allon brought his background as a life-long New Yorker, a parent, an educator, and a publisher of a group of community newspapers to his campaign for Mayor. Combining that with his in-depth knowledge of the neighborhoods of New York, Tom lead the discussion about education, job creation, and economic development for New York City in the 2013 Mayoral campaign.

Tom Allon began his career in the New York City public school system, teaching journalism and English at his alma mater, Stuyvesant High School.  He went on to become an editor at the award-winning West Side Spirit and moved to the publishing side when he became Publisher of Manhattan's two largest community weeklies, Our Town and West Side Spirit.

Tom has been a leader in local neighborhood-based journalism and the New York City publishing industry for the past 25 years.  He is currently the CEO and owner of City and State NY, the most influential political media company in New York State.

Before privatizing Manhattan Media in August 2001, Tom was the executive vice president of News Communications, Inc., a public media company that owned 23 newspapers in New York City’s boroughs, Long Island and Washington, D.C.  He was involved with the start-up of the successful Capitol Hill daily, The Hill, and helped supervise News Communications' expansion throughout NYC’s neighborhoods in Queens, the Bronx and Brooklyn.

Tom helped create two successful public high schools, Eleanor Roosevelt High School on the Upper East Side and Frank McCourt High School on the Upper West Side.  He also served on the advisory boards of the West Side Crime Prevention Program and the Broadway Mall Association and was the President of the New York Press Association in 2008.

A 1980 Stuyvesant graduate, Tom received his BA in History from Cornell University in 1984 and his MS in Journalism from the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism in 1985. He now lives on the Upper West Side with his three teenage children.

Entries by Tom Allon

Why Spitzer vs. Stringer Is Important

(3) Comments | Posted July 22, 2013 | 4:26 PM
Most New Yorkers don't know what the City Comptroller does, much less be able to spell its archaic title.
But New York City's Chief Financial Officer, or the Comptroller, is arguably the second most important elected office in city government, and he will likely become even more important...
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In Praise of Mayoral Underdogs

(1) Comments | Posted July 10, 2013 | 4:52 PM
When I ran for mayor last year, I was so often labeled an underdog by the media, that I jokingly told my friends I was thinking of changing my first name to "Longshot."
Such is the indignity faced by some very smart and decent people now toiling for long hours...
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Will This Be a Post-Racial Mayoral Election?

(0) Comments | Posted July 8, 2013 | 11:34 AM
Identity politics is an age-old term for voters picking one of their own. Up until the 1940s, the Irish largely dominated New York politics and ticket balancing (running a slate of candidates) meant having one Irish candidate, one Italian candidate and one Jewish candidate to appeal to the dominant ethnic...
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Will Labor Pains Give Birth to a New Mayor?

(2) Comments | Posted June 20, 2013 | 4:31 PM
One of the reasons New York has had Republican mayors for the last 20 years is because the City's public and private sector unions have fragmented in Democratic primaries.
Even though labor talked about unifying around one candidate in 2013, history is about to repeat itself.
The conventional wisdom was...
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Can a Mayor Influence Economic Justice?

(1) Comments | Posted June 17, 2013 | 11:35 AM
The biggest factor in getting our economy on track is providing an even playing field for education.
A wise upper-middle-class friend recently told me that her children will not inherit anything from their parents. "Their private school and college tuitions are their inheritance."
Another friend, raised in England, has always...
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No Safe Bets in Mayoral Race

(2) Comments | Posted May 31, 2013 | 10:49 AM
Now that the third ring of the circus is complete with the arrival of Anthony Weiner's high-wire act to the mayoral race, perhaps we can try to take a sober look at why this election really matters for our city's future.
What is the single most important thing...
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