Monday, August 12, 2013

Radio Shack- Third Avenue in Murray Hill

I just pulled this old photo of Radio Shack from my files, because even though I just bought a new camera there (which I am happy with), I forgot to take another updated photo..

And I have been coming to this store for years...the staff changes but the people who work here are almost always unusually helpful and patient, and that is a big plus in hurried New York.

This last time I dealt with the man I guess is the Manager, Geronimo, and a young guy named Eduardo who had just started working here. They were very friendly to me and everyone else who came into the store, as were the other people working here.

I feel that is what this store sells, actually--customer service-- you can undoubtedly find the same equipment and paraphenalia cheaper if you go on the internet and certainly if you want to take a chance with Craig's List.

They were tolerant of one old duffer who walked in simply exclaiming " Rabbit ears! I want rabbit ears!!" (though I can't remember exactly how this worked out).

Likewise there was one woman with a clipped, guttural European accent who wanted to try out the sleep/alarm function on a new clock radio right there in the store, AND RIGHT AWAY. She was in a big hurry and said very tartly " I don't want to have to bring this back if it doesn't work." they very politely denied to do what she wanted and she accepted that, though, and was immediately on her way...she seemed to expect them to jump at her command, that kind of person...

With me, of course, they  had to put up with someone who is choosy but not as tech savvy as I should be by this time. I have a tendency to ask a lot of questions that I probably should know the answer to, but they were took it all in good stride.

It has been this way for years and every camera or other device I have bought here has worked out just fine and since I do not live far away, I just truck on over here for help if I have any problems and it always gets ironed out.

I would like to put in a couple of Yelp reviews but I WOULD endorse this place for its service because I have been coming here for so long and getting such consistently good treatment here.

Anyway, --uh oh-- Yelp--well, they just had one review from a guy who paid cash and felt they were asking too much to want his phone number when he came back to return it -- as he said, a rant.

From what I saw, the staff here was very patient with a lot of REALLY demanding customers and unless somehow you get someone who by some weird fluke is not friendly and helpful (now that I think of it, I was in here once about two years ago and there was just one woman there who really did not seem to give a damn about anything, that was my only bad time here).

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