Sunday, July 7, 2013

The "New" Times Square

YES, Times Square has changed so much from its Bad Old Days in the 1980's it is incredible..

Part of it is the Police presence..,.which, with the terrorist threat, has become of course the greatest it has ever been.

It is even....orderly, somehow. I mean, there is not that sense of ominous chaos that used to be there...this Times Square is Family Friendly, not quite the Disney World some people disparage it as,  --note below how some high school group or something do a chant and whoop in the middle of it all and how calmly the tourists at their little tables gaze on...
(OK, everybody, jump on the count of three when we do this again...)
...Yeah, those kids are a cute bunch, aren't they? Maybe we should try to get to the Empire State Building now...

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