Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Learning Spring School on Second Avenue in lower East Midtown

Funny, I never noticed this school on Second Avenue before...has interesting what I guess you would call Contemporary Architecture.

Let me see if there are any reviews or anything..yes, no Yelp, but this from a site called Great Schools..

6 reviews of this school

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Posted June 22, 2013
I'm a former student and when I was learning math at this school it was very hard. Now I know how to do math at the school that I go to now it's still a little hard for me

Posted January 28, 2012
Most of the kids in this school have very little verbal ability. Your child will not learn very much here especially in math, in fact when I graduated from here and went to middle school I had to catch up a lot in all my school subjects and had to be left back 1 grade to catch up. When I went there some of my friends and I used to joke about how bad it was and used to refer to it as a daycare for school age kids. In fact the only two good things about their new location is that it's a beautiful building that is near a playground. Source: I am a former student of this school.

Posted July 26, 2010
If your child has autism and has some verbal ability, Learning Spring is a Godsend. The focus is on creating a positive environment for your child to learn and, with any luck, forge some lifetime friendships. At some point you realize that the most important thing for your child is to learn how to be independent and interact with human beings, not just objects. Learning Spring understands that.
—Submitted by a parent

Posted April 19, 2010
Learning Spring is one of the best schools out there for children with special needs and/or Autism. It is the Harvard of Special Ed Schools!
—Submitted by a parent

Posted March 14, 2009
LSS is a nurturing place for students. There is a big emphasis on social skills awareness, and the academic curriculum has been growing and developing each year that my child has attended. The school is about to expand into a middle school next year as well, and will be moving into a great new facility. Teachers, therapists and the director work closely with the kids and are very committed to doing whatever they can to help the kids be successful.
—Submitted by a parent

Posted March 5, 2009
LeanringSpring is a wonderful, nurturing academically and socially challenging school that really cares about it's staff and students. It is a great family to be a part of!
—Submitted by a teacher

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