Translation from English

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Heat Wave can Kill Business at some Ice Cream Places, Other eateries too

Heat wave makes people want ice cream, but paradoxically can also kill business because people do not want to be out on the street in the sunlight at all when it is this hot.

Noticed this big Tasti-D-Lite shop on Third Avenue had no customers at all in the middle of the empty if not more so than it is in January and February.

"Yahoo Answers" has an explanation for one British user's complaint that while he is hungry as ever during a heat wave there, he feels that if he were to eat anything it would make him sick.

This was chosen as the Best Answer:

Yes, heat can cause loss of appetite. In fact it's happening to me too, and probably a lot of people. It's probably because you're dehydrated. Your body needs fluids to be able to digest your food. 

You know that feeling when you first wake up from a nap and your mouth is all dry, and you couldn't possibly swallow anything dry? It's like that in the inside of your body too. You need to be drinking a lot of liquids. Don't wait until your thirsty to drink something, because this probably means you're dehydrated. Just keep a water bottle filled up with ice water or tea and sip on it thoughout the day. This should help your appetite a little within a few days. 

Salads and fruit might sound appetizing in the heat. haha I have been resorting to ice cream and popsicles for my meals. But salads and fruit are much better for you. Just try to drink some when you think about it, and don't worry, not being hungry in the hot summer is normal!
Keep hydrated,
Good luck and have a great summer


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