Friday, July 26, 2013

Cause for Pawz-- Animal Aid Oriented Thrift Shop on East 23rd Street Row between 2nd and 3rd Avenues

I support all animal rescue charities and this one gets good reviews though I have never bought anything here...I also as noted will not show Goodwill store there on 23rd because of revelations of how Goodwill is really run and the Salvation Army store has just got very bad reviews for past two years.

So--even though some people do not like this place, I will show the reviews here and you can make up your own mind if you think it is worth a visit ( if you are on that strip on East 23rd, you will have a group of Thrift Shops to look into so it is probably worth just checking out)

Cauz For Pawz Thrift

18 reviews Rating Details
Category: Thrift Stores  [Edit]
212 E 23rd St
(between 2nd Ave & 3rd Ave)
New York, NY 10010
(212) 684-7299
Mon-Sat 10 am - 7:30 pm
Sun 11 am - 6 pm
Price Range:
Accepts Credit Cards:
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18 reviews in English

  • Review from

    • 357 friends
    • 488 reviews
    6/6/2013 4 photos
    Any business that dedicates itself to animal causes is a winner in my book.

    This store was previously a Salvation Army and I'm told they've been "Cauz For Pawz" for about two years now.

    On my first visit, I scored some Daisy Dog http://www.daisydogstudi… pottery, including a huge mug destined to hold my morning coffee or chai. Because I was en route to a walk downtown, I made a mental note that I had to return soon--especially to donate some of my stuff that I haven't been using.

    The intention is to create a nationwide chain of "Cauz For Pawz" stores, and I certainly support that. I spoke with a friendly woman named Karen--apparently the owner--and mentioned Rescue Chocolate http://www.rescuechocola… to her, since this would probably be a great impulse item to have at checkout; Rescue Chocolate donates 100% of its proceeds to charity. She told me everything in the basement is way cheap because the building management is going to be removing the elevator.

    I guess I hadn't been up to the 23rd street thrifts in about 2 years, but now I have a reason to get up there soon!
  • Review from

    I loved this thrift store, and its cause. I will always support any place that helps homeless dogs and cats. I thought the selection was well organized and big enough. I found a great Gap sweater for 7.99, a Nanette Lepore skirt for 7.99 and an INC spring blazer for 9.99, all of which are in perfect condition! I thought the sales people were nice and helpful, not aggressive at all.

    Great place that supports a great cause. Check it out.
  • Review from

    • 26 friends
    • 183 reviews
    I love the cause, so I really would love to write a great review for the place, but as others have mentioned in previous reviews, the attitude of some of the people there, one of the volunteers especially keeps me from doing so.
    I've seen nice normal customers yelled at for not taking stuff to try on in the dressing room, or heard loud comments when people look through things, such as: "I hope they don't leave their place like this" and honestly it was just a regular browsed through rack, nothing was on the floor or a mess. It's kinda funny as I write it that she'd get so worked up about it but it was really uncomfortable to witness.
    There are a few people that work/volunteer there that are quite friendly and normal. But unfortunately knowing the weirdos may be there really deters people, not only me.
    They do have good bargains and some cute stuff, but it's kinda harsh to be trying to look around as you hear other customers being mistreated.
    Hopefully they get their act together and train their staff a little better, especially the loud one, just tell her to keep her trap shut and use her inside voice ;)
  • Review from

    A thrift shop dedicated to animal causes? Now I've seen everything.

    This place isn't bad, and it's largely organized by color, which is cool. It's not that big, so you might find yourself done looking fairly quickly. I didn't go downstairs, because there wasn't a lot that intrigued me on the main level. I'd consider checking this place out again, for sure.
  • Review from

    I seriously disliked this place.  The sales people were overly aggressive with trying to sell me stuff and I heard them raising their voice at another woman who was just asking a simple question.  I was extremely uncomfortable.

    Also, I didn't see price tags on anything in the store and it wasn't organized well.
  • Review from

    The owner of the store (who is probably mistaken at times for a volunteer/worker) falsely accused me of harassing her and banned me from shopping in her store. It all started when I was waiting for my bag to be returned to me from the bag-check. I simply wanted to make sure that I received the correct bag, since a man left the store with a large white plastic bag identical to my own checked bag. He was called back and we verified that he had the correct bag. This was for both his benefit and my own (since I still had not received my bag). At this point it was my turn to pay for my selected items. The owner, Ms. Duhigg, felt it necessary to reprimand me for "insulting the man". She further stated that I also insulted the bag-check employee (who was very nice and sweet and smiling the whole time). I have no idea what motivated Ms. Duhigg to reprimand me (besides that she insulted me by saying that I lack social skills if I don't think these people were insulted). I told her it's common sense to check that each person receives the correct bag (esp. since we are talking about two identical bags here). At that point I was accused of harassing Ms. Duhigg and she refused to sell the items to me. I asked her three times, and thank G-d, she gave in, on the condition that she is "snapping my picture" and I am not allowed to shop in her store ever again...

    Ms. Duhigg was very polite to the other people in the store at the time I was there. I am not sure why she acted with such a nasty attitude toward me, but I do know I look and dress like an orthodox Jew. That is the only factor that I could see that would set me apart from the rest. I do wonder if this is what caused such sour words from Ms. Duhigg's mouth.  When I apologized if she felt insulted, and I calmly thanked her for my purchase, she said, "You're NOT WELCOME." And she basically summarized that I am never to shop there again.

    True story.
  • Review from

    • 3 friends
    • 186 reviews
    I like the Goodwill store 2 doors down for better quality.  But I admire their dedication and helpfulness, and I did purchase a sweater that I am repeatedly wearing, for only $3.99.
  • Review from

    • 58 friends
    • 29 reviews
    12/4/2012 1 check-in here
    . prices are too high to be called a thrift shop. Let me quantify that statement, this is mainly in regard to second hand electronics .I can get better deals on Craigslist and that should not be . The Staff are quite congenial but their inventory needs more donations. Although they do have a wide variety of old VHS tapes in the basement. Good idea for a second hand store but it needs more support and a different pricing scheme on the electronics.
  • Review from

    Had a horrible experience here. Bought a DVD set that was sealed with tape after being assured by the manager that the set was complete. Of course I get home and find that a disc is missing. I go back to complain and the manager tells me I can exchange the DVDs for something else but it has to be done that same day. So I spend 45 minutes picking out some shirts. When I bring the shirts to the register, the manager tells me she forgot to mention that I have to get more DVDs, not a different type of item.  WTF?!? NEVER SHOP OR DONATE HERE! Donate your  money directly to legitimate pet causes, not this wacky place run by a wack-a-doodle!
    I wonder how much of the money taken in here actually goes to charity and how much goes to paying the manager...
  • Review from

    • 160 friends
    • 705 reviews
    11/3/2011 First to Review
    This is stop #4 on the 23rd St. Thrift Crawl! (previous stop was:…)

    This new thrift store is devoted to helping animals, a cause that it's pretty hard to have any objections to! So shop for a good cause!

    It's located in the former Salvation Army space, so if you're looking for the legendary "spooky" elevator that other reviews have mentioned, this is where it (still) is. It's really not so much spooky as very slow and clunky.
    Downstairs, if you brave the elevator, are housewares, artwork, etc.
    Upstairs is mostly clothes. The selection is a little better than Sal's and Goodwill; but not as good as Housing Works. Average stuff, reasonable condition, with a few vintage gems. Very reasonable prices.

    On to the next stop:…

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