Sunday, July 21, 2013

Another Boat Trip--NY Waterways on East River and Other

Meanwhile, on the East River, the New York Waterway boats carry people one is passing the East River Esplanade on its way to docking just South of there.

The Esplanade, by the way, is a beautiful refuge from the summer heat and is reached by an underpass on East 37th Street for the FDR.

 Anyway, here is the Yelp review for NY Waterway...wait a second, there is also a Ferry service to Brooklyn and I don't think this is THAT. So let me give you the website for NY Waterway, which covers ALL its ferries

Their are individual Yelp reviews for the different ferries...this, for instance for the one from Brooklyn to New York... 

NY Waterway's-East River Ferry

3.0 star rating
21 reviews Rating Details
Wall St and Water St
Pier 11

New York, NY 10005
Nearest Transit Station:
Wall St (2, 3)
Broad St (J, Z)
Whitehall St (N, R)
Sort by: Yelp Sort | Date | Rating | Useful | Funny | Cool | Total Votes | Friends' | Elites'

21 reviews in English

  • Review from

    5.0 star rating
    This is the Perfect way to get from Manhattan to Brooklyn on a sunny day!  For $4, you cant beat it!
  • Review from

    2.0 star rating
    it would be reasonably convenient if the ferries weren't sometimes early (meaning you need to get there SOOO early to ensure you don't miss it)...and if they ran more often, especially later in the evenings and before 10am on the weekends. so at this point the ferries are moderately convenient, but not really that convenient.  oh, and this morning we waited for 5-10 mins at each stop, so to get from N Wil to 34th st it look like 35 minutes WTF
  • Review from

    4.0 star rating
    Took the ferry after visiting the 911 Memorial up to midtown for lunch.  Enjoyable ride with great views of the bridges and skyline..a deal for $4/person.  Much better than a subway ride!
  • Review from

    3.0 star rating
    9/11/2012 1 check-in here
    I take the ferry to Pier 11 when I am running late to work in the morning.  I cant say that I love it that much.  The prices are too high (7 bucks a ride??? miserable..).   The cashiers are kind of slow too..  I have missed the boat on at least two separate occasions because the cashier was slow or not at the desk.

    At least the boats are on time and they me to Pier 11 pretty quickly... approx. 12 minutes or so.
  • Review from

    1.0 star rating
    I was really looking forward to visiting Governor's Island with my out of town friends, and taking a nice ferry ride down the East River. However, NY Waterways let me down big time, and I will never attempt to ride them again.   The 4 of us were on time waiting for the 1:39 ferry out of Long Island City.  We bought our tickets using their app. The ferry pulls up, we activate our tickets (which are only good for 30 minutes upon activation), and wait to board. The ferry then decides that they are already full, and without any explanation, they leave the port without letting anybody board.  After waiting 30 minutes to get through to customer service, they tell us that we need to buy NEW tickets, and wait for the next ferry, which may or may not have room.  So, stupidly, we wait another 30 minutes in the hot sun, with no drink machines or stores within a 15 minute walking distance.  The next ferry shows up (this is after 1+ hours of waiting!), and they only let 5 people on, when there are about 40 people waiting to board.  Their employees were all EXTREMELY RUDE and not helpful at all.  Basically unless you get on at 34th street, you have no chance of ever getting on the ferry, so don't even bother. Whoever is in charge of NY Waterways should be fired, as they clearly have no idea how to run a business. Horrible customer service, rude employees, and non-existent service. Now I have to endure calling customer service and being put on hold for 30+ minutes to try to get my $16 back. But wish they could pay me for the 2 hours of my lost time!
  • Review from

    4.0 star rating

    Relatively inexpensive.

    A super fast way to get from Manhattan to Brooklyn to Queens with a killer skyline view.

    It'd be nicer if there was more than one ticket kiosk at each dock, because missing a boat because the line is long is kind of shitty.
  • Review from

    5.0 star rating
    6/14/2011 8 photos First to Review
    This is cool and fast way to commute! Another example of what is old is new again. In the past NYC had many, many East River Ferries crossing between the boroughs! It is great to see this new service.

    The new East River Water Ferry offer 4 stops on the Brooklyn waterfront and 1 stop on the Queens waterfront.
    The 2 Manhattan stops are major business hubs-
    Wall St. Pier 11 Financial District and E. 34th St. Midtown (with free Waterway bus service)

    I you have not heard about this ferry the tourists got you beat!
    It is free for the next 2 weeks starting June 13.
    Bring yourself, bring your partner, bring your kids or just bring you bike!
    The view is fantastic!
    Tip: The ferry boat moves fast and is small so it rocks and rolls with just some small waves from another passing boat.
    Tip: The outside of the ferry is very windy. You may need a jacket and you maybe saying goodbye to that cap of yours.

    The regular price for a ride is $4.00. The trip from Wall St. to 34th St. took 20 min. which is fast compare to most forms of transportation.
    Go to BB Bridge Park from Wall St. was only 2 minutes!

    Ferry stops:
    Wall st. Pier 11
    BK Bridge Park/DUMBO
    Schaefer Landing/S outh Williamsburg
    N. 6th St./North Williamsburg
    India St. Greenpoint
    Hunters Point South/ LIC
    E. 34th St/Midtown

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