Friday, June 7, 2013

Wow, the typical 1960's apartment building again

As I have stated before, there was a massive construction boom in large apartment buildings in Manhattan in the mid-late 1960's because of a coming change in zoning laws, requiring either set backs or having plaza areas next to the buildings if they were above a certain height.

I believe I have show some of the typical white glazed brick is a typical red brick one..maybe a little bigger than most of that time...

As I have said before, only the topmost floors have any interesting floorplans as a rule, but not necessarily those either...and there may be a penthouse, which may or may not be more spacious in terms of room size and having more light...

It seems to me the buildings with the most interesting apartments in Manhattan are on the West Side, especially the Upper West Side.

As soon as the current monsoon from Tropical Storm Andre passes, I am going to make a trip over to the West Side...maybe Hell's Kitchen area first, then further North...showing what I mean. Not my usual area, but feel I have to show a comparison.

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