Sunday, June 9, 2013

Why I won't see this Movie...

THE FIRST reason I will not see this movie is because I am not 19 years old and cannot wait for the Fourth of July for a lot of explosions and fireworks...nor a Zombie movie fan to boot.

How did Brad Pitt get involved in this mess? It can't just be for money, more likely is because he needs attention and is always seeking it out however he can...

I saw the trailer for this movie while I waited patiently for "The Great Gatsby" to start. It was the most bombastic of all the trailers I had to sit through, and that is saying a lot.  I had my fingers in my ears finally to drown out the unbelievable din it caused...

ALSO, critics do not particularly like this movie either. Here is part what The Guardian has to say:

Advanced word said World War Z – based on Max Brooks's book about a worldwide zombie apocalypse – was the walking dead. It was over-long, over-budget. It needed several rewrites and seven weeks of reshoots to make any sense. This was the giant zombie turkey, come screeching from the shadows to tear the careers of director Marc Forster and producer/star Brad Pitt to shreds.
  1. World War Z
  2. Production year: 2013
  3. Country: USA
  4. Directors: Marc Forster
  5. Cast: Brad Pitt, James Badge Dale, Mireille Enos
  6. More on this film
Yet, while some of World War Z is rotten, the whole stands as a punchy, if conventional action thriller. Pitt plays Gerry Lane, a UN inspector chosen to investigate the source of a viral outbreak that has quickly, mercilessly zombified 3 billion people. His search for Patient Zero will take him from New York to South Korea to Jerusalem (you can see how the budget clocked up) to – finally – Wales, the little country that could in the war against the undead. It's a bleak, serious travelogue of humanity on the turn. Zero Dark Thirty for z-heads.

Don't say you haven't been warned.

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