Friday, June 21, 2013

Reading Time--Fitzgerald Autobiographical Writings

I have a hunch I have read some of the articles in this compilation before but this looks like a thoughtful and well organized book to peruse while I am waiting for my toe to heal up a little (as much as it will, doctor says to assume it is broken but he just broke some of his own fingers not so long ago and says this whole thing can be tricky to deal with)...(X-ray will just reveal what is obvious, main thing is to keep taking care of toe and not walking too much or much at all)

Opening of this book ( I did a quick peek) has F. Scott saying that from the beginning, his life was torn between his desire to be a writer and all these things pulling him away from being a writer at all..I bet that is not uncommon...well, tell you more when I get into this

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