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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Pre-sold blockbusters, what it has all come down to

Who doubts for a second that this new film with Channing Tatum ( hunk-of-the-moment type) and the actor Jamie Foxx is nothing but another sure fire crowd pleaser?( without having seen --or rather, heard, the trailer for this film with all the crashing musical flashes and , of course, the requisite explosion after explosion...American films are known all over the world for how much gets blown up in them, which of course is now endless in its possibilities because of Computer Generated Images...

Let me see what advance publicity this flick is getting, or if I can give you a link to the undoubtedly high decibel trailer...

Well, first, a  short article from Variety"

Tatum-Foxx actioner due out June

Sony has released an extended trailer to tout its biggest summer entry, “White House Down,” with a mix of explosions and laugh lines.
The 4-minute trailer contains plenty of action plus several humorous exchanges between Jamie Foxx as President Sawyer and Channing Tatum playing a Secret Service agent who leaps into action to defend the president when a paramilitary group takes over the White House.
The trailer features what’s already been established as Foxx’s signature laugh line to a terrorist — “Get your hands off my Jordans!”
The June 28 release, directed by Ronald Emmerich, opens against Fox’s cop comedy “The Heat,” starring Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy.

As for the trailer itself.... 

Hey, that was really a lot more fun than I thought it would be when I think about..there is some humor there too...but the explosion and whammo noise effects, when played at the super decibel level they have at the local Loews Cineplex here, would have me with fingers in my ears a lot..

And it looks to me like the story line of this film is not aimed much above the level of a reasonably bright twelve year old...

But as one of my retired, easily pleased friends said to me, " If it's a couple of hours of good summer entertainment, hell, I'll go." (But then he was referring to the "Great Gatsby").

By the way, I think this film also shows more action than he saw the entire time he was in Vietnam...(not a put down of him, I am glad he came out of it all in one piece, even if he got no Silver Stars).

I hope it is all that its 58,000 Google Plus advance audience fans expect... 

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