Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Oh, those damn self check-out places

This is up at the CVS Pharmacy and sundries store on 42nd Street, where people battle with the self check-out machines ( a trend that has reached NYC rather late it seems)

I cannot go to the local CVS place near me without someone getting frustrated with the machine and this machine voice crying out for help from an employee all the time

CVS is a good store in many ways, though, and I have found items there I could find elsewhere..their prices are competitive and the staff they do have are friendly and very helpful.

According to experts I have heard on Public Radio, the world of machines replacing people is just beginning, and we will be amazed how many jobs now held by people will done by robots and other non-human forms in the future. 

Brave New World. Combine that with the super-snoopiness of the internet and phone records and the shenanigans of governments in following the actions of their citizens so closely (which keeps reminding people of Orwell's "1984") no wonder Obama is taking so much heat these days now that a whistle blowing former CIA employee, one Mr. Snowden, is running around the world seeking asylum because of his revelations. Best of luck to him, the fate of whistle blowers usually is not very happy.

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