Monday, June 17, 2013

Lenox Hill Hospital and the nearby Subway Steps...should hospitals advertise? Even a little?

I have found both the Public and physicians to have mixed feelings about the way NYC Hospitals advertise themselves so much these days...

There used to be a time when a really distinguished institution could rest on its laurels and its brilliant reputation, but not any more.

Little children look close into the camera and tell how in detail how they were treated (and saved) from some otherwise deadly condition, such as cancer. 

I cannot complain in one instance because Weill-Cornell ran some ads about treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome just when it was beginning to drive me crazy. Wonderful woman doctor had me cured completely in a couple of weeks, benfiting too from latest research on the subject.

I guess I was one of the lucky ones on the Irritable Bowel front.. there are different types of this affliction and not everybody gets cured as fast as I did.  One thing it does is bring people to try acupuncture and anti-depressants when they might otherwise not have done...

Did not mean to get my bowels mixed into this whole conversation, but when we get into the world of the Human Body and medicine, we cannot afford to be squeamish. Or try to go to the Steve Jobs route and hope we can pull off some kind of miracle of self-medication.

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