Friday, June 7, 2013

Just a note about Tropical Storm Andrea

I am not going out to take any pictures of it raining heavily, as it is now doing, because I have shown pictures of rainy days around here before. It is like a very rainy day anywhere. If it floods and the streets are flooded or show signs of having been flooded, I will take some pix tomorrow (Saturday).

This Tropical Storm Andrea that is passing through is causing a lot of flooding already in all the usual areas, where people are in some cases putting the finishing touches on rebuilding after the damage caused by Hurricane Sandy.

Nobody knows how bad the very heavy rain late tonight will be, or the winds, or the late night tidal surge. I will watch the 11 p.m. news on the CBS channel here because their weatherman usually has the most accurate forecasts and goes out of his way to explain how he arrived at them.

This storm is nothing much to worry about I think except for people who live in the ALWAYS flooding areas of, say, Hoboken, New Jersey.

What is worrisome is the prediction of a bad Hurricane Season this year...which has just begun officially.

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