Friday, June 28, 2013

Jan Hus Community House on East 74th Street

On the Southern end of a large area that was once called "Yorkville"--predominantly German immigrants and their breweries and bars etc. and also factories...the real center being over on East 86th Street between First and Second Avenues..

But other groups were also in the same area, including a big contingent of Irish Americans and also notably Czechs, as I noted, further South such as in this area...for Jan Hus was a Czech reformer who was burned at the stake at the beginning of the Reformation...

The Community is home to the the Carter Burden lunch program and other activities for seniors, among other things...

Just a bit from the net should do--uh oh, they have a lot as usual, so just skip through it and only look at what interests you!

Jan Hus Presbyterian Church, at 351 East 74th Street, New York, New York, in Manhattan's Upper East Side, in New York City is a Presbyterian church.[2]

The church is named for Jan Hus, a Bohemian priest who was a theologian and reformer.[3] The church is in the area that was once known as Little Bohemia. Once a center of the Czech community, the church now has a diversified inclusionist congregation.

The church runs an active Neighborhood House that promotes music, theater and culture and operates a homeless outreach program. The church basement includes a 150-seat theatre that has was home to Gilbert and Sullivan performing groups almost continuously from 1952 to 1975. Chicago City Limits performed there throughout the 1980s. Since then, several arts organizations have been based at the theatre.


The church was founded in 1877 when Gustav Alexy, a Hungarian missionary, felt a calling to work among the Czech community.[4][5] The building was designed by R.H. Robertson and built in 1888, and bears the inscription "Truth Prevails", a famous Jan Hus saying. The church sits down the block from the Byzantine Moderne-style Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity.[6]
When Pastor Alexy died in 1880, the newly official Presbyterian Church asked 21-year-old Vincent Pisek to take over as leader. At the turn of the century Czech families immigrated to America in large numbers settling in New York. The followers of Jan Hus had been persecuted or forced out of Bohemia. Pisek was "free-thinking" and performed marriages between men and women from different ethnic groups. His enthusiasm to help make these marriages was a part of what helped to build his church.[7]

With thousands of Czech parishioners when the church started,[8][9] the congregation has changed greatly with the Czech community dispersing over the years. By the 1950s, Jan Hus Church was no longer predominantly Czech.[10] Jan Hus Church has not had a Czech pastor since the 1960s.[11]

Ray Bagnuolo[12] became the pastor August 2, 2009 [13] and still resides there.[14]
Jan Hus was among the first churches to become an Open and Affirming congregation for the full inclusion of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender people in church life[10][15][16][17]

Jan Hus Neighborhood House

Through the efforts Vincenc Pisek of Malesov, the successor of Gustav Alexy of Roznov, the new modern Czech Brethren Presbyterian House was built in 1888.[18]
Among its many community efforts Jan Hus Church organizes a homeless outreach program called HOAP.[19] The program HOAP assists more than fifty guests with immediate responses to their physical needs. The program also allows the homeless to use the church's address for their mailing address, and currently receives mail for over 500 people.[20]

In 1888, the J.H. & C.S. Odell Company installed a "Size No. 9" organ in the church, The Odell Size 9 organ had a case of "appropriate and approved design, made of Walnut, Chestnut, or Ash," with "the large speaking pipes displayed in front to be gilded, silvered, or richly ornamented in gold and colors." The organ measured 16 feet (4.9 m) high, 11 feet, 3 inches wide, and 7 feet, 3 inches deep. This organ was removed in 1969 by Alan Laufman and Guy Henderson, but the organ case and display pipes were left in the church.[3][21]

Like many churches in New York City, Jan Hus rents out its space for community and artistic events; however, Jan Hus has been dedicated to this mission for its community for decades.[22] In 1914, Atherton Pisek and the Jan Hus community raised funds to open the Neighborhood House and in 1915, the church built its Neighborhood House to celebrate Czech culture: the folk music, the dance, marionette theatre, and music. Located on the easternmost portion of our building, the Neighborhood House was to be a cultural and social center for the Bohemian people, a place for art and music, job training, a dental clinic, clubs, athletics, language classes and more. While expanded beyond the Czech community, the Neighborhood House continues to promote music, theater, and culture.[4][14][23]

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