Saturday, June 8, 2013

"East Village" Movie Theater

What is now a movie theater, was once as I remember the Anderson Yiddish Theater, a remnant from the Old Lower East Side. There never was any "East Village"--it was a name invented by real estate agents in the late 1960's because it sounded better than just saying Lower East Side.

I saw at least one production at the Anderson in its last days, I remember one with famed Yiddish actress Molly Picon. I had studied enough German and picked up enough Yiddish from living in the neighborhood at friends from NYU to understand it pretty well...

Wow, how time can erase memorize! The only title of a production from those old days I can remember is " A Millionaire in Trouble,"--because it is a memorable title...I don't think it was such a memorable play.

Today, of course, all gentrified. Not unpleasant at all, just very different.

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