Sunday, May 12, 2013

Fighting the Library Cuts

Yes, once again Bloomberg et. al. want to slash money from the Public Library budget...

Was thinking the other day how great it is to have this local Kips Bay Library here in the neighborhood-- I use the Public Library all the time, although of course since I am getting books there I am in the minority (most people are getting movies when I go there).

I have signed an internet petition to save library funding and I hope more people will do so.

Having recently had a hernia operation followed closely by pneumonia, I have been home a lot recuperating and have had more time to read. Whether I will get through all the books I have checked out or not is questionable though-- I simply do not feel that much like reading these days, although I was able to get through a book I bought on the internet ( by a Barbara Korsch, M.D., on how to speak to your doctor)-- (which by the way was informative but I have realized that the real problem is with the doctors--these days they are always in a hurry and often running late and the problem in communications is THEIRS, not mine.

Incidentally, one of the books I have out is a bio of P. G. Wodehouse which I ordered from the NYPL without paying enough attention to its length. Yikes! It is a huge volume-- hefty bios like that are usually the roughest kind of book for me to read, I just do not want to know every little detail of someone's life and times.

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