Friday, April 5, 2013

To Hell with Bloomberg

I have noticed that Ruffino has started a big ad campaign which obviously shows nostalgia for the carefree, more risk taking days when people rode around joyously on motorbike and bicycles without helmets....and all the other safety features which we now have to have.

New York's over aggressive little billionaire Mayor of course, even wants to tell people what size soda containers they can buy...before he moves on to some new restrictive idea. All for your own good, of course.

I sense a spirit of revolt brewing in people which the Ruffino people also have picked up on-- even if , in the end, people will just go along with the safer lifestyle choices. 

Also, for older folks, who would not like to be young again and have that kind of sublime over self confidence ( at least in some areas) of their palmier days?

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