Wednesday, March 13, 2013

March, The Time of Great Flux

March has always been noted as a month of great flux and rising and falling temperatures, Spring like days followed by cold snaps, and sometime during the month the unlikely emergence of the first daffodils, (especially in Central Park) -- little harbingers of Spring which however do not rule out the chance of getting whammied by one last big Winter Nor'easter and a foot of snow, on, say, March 22...

Landmark buildings as you look up Third Avenue from Murray Hill, the Chanin Building on the left ( named after its architect who was way ahead of his time in the design of tall office buildings) and of course the Chrysler Building with its distinctive spire( and when you get closer where you can see the ornamental art deco eagle type shapes perched up on corners of the building, looking like hood ornaments from the first "streamlined" cars of the 1930's)...

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