Friday, October 26, 2012

Halloween coming--and "Frankenstornm"

No one is really sure what Halloween is going to be like in NYC because of the enormous "Frankenstorm" coming this way ( and maybe peaking on Tuesday, October but heavy winds and rains still around on the 31st...this is supposed to be one monster storm being whipped up by Hurricane Sandy, and NYC is preparing for the worst (including subway floodings- there will definitely be a shutdown of subway service at some point)--and , again, no one knows if lower Manhattan could be flooded by high tides and storm surges...

This storm will be spread out over a larger area than Hurricane Irene last year and cover a much larger some places it will mix with a western snowstorm coming will also last a much longer time in NYC than Irene, which was gone in about 48 hours...this storm should be here Sunday and still not really slowed down a lot until late Wednesday.

Meanwhile, the City has been preparing for weeks for Halloween...everything from"Halloween Pub Crawls" and the usual parties and decorations, to the pumpkin pies (wait a second, isn't that more a Thanksgiving thing? Well, it is coming early this year...and also, finally, one window of the Museum of Sex down on Fifth Avenue in the 20's has one window devoted to a somewhat spooky scene...

So, for the moment, it's "batten down the hatches" and get ready for everything the "Frankenstorm" may bring, including power outages and knocking out landline service for telephones...

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