Saturday, December 17, 2011

"As Featured on the BBC"-- Laila Rowe

My usual path of traveling during the week takes me past this woman's shop every week... I was surprised to hear the a BBC show which does a New York segment interview a young British woman who was working at the store. She made it sound pleasant enough...

There are enough people from the UK in New York now for there to be an area called "Little Britain" down in Greenwich Village which has shops which feature truly authentic Brit fish and chips etc. ( they are choosey about the kinds of potatoes and oils and seasonings they use, for instance).

Let us see if there is anything on the internet more about Laila Rowe:

Well, found some reviews, only one of which was really favorable. I guess from what limited knowledge I have from the internet now, I don't know if I could recommend the place. If anyone reads this who has knowledge of the store, please leave a comment...

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