Sunday, October 2, 2011

Traffic Control Division

This great crenelated Gothic fortress is the home of the Traffic Control Division.

Internet says:

NYPD Traffic Enforcement has many duties including directing traffic, enforcing parking regulations, towing vehicles, providing highway assistance, and enforcing laws related to roadway construction. The men and women in Traffic Enforcement are referred to as Traffic Enforcement Agents (TEAs), and wear uniforms similar to the uniform worn by School Safety Agents. There are 4 levels for Traffic Enforcement Agents with each level handling different duties. Level one focuses on parking regulation enforcement, level two focuses on directing traffic, level three focuses on towing vehicles, and level four focuses on a variety of special duties, including specialized enforcement such as street construction or truck weight regulations. Only TEAs of level 4 status have peace officer powers, which allows them to carry handcuffs and make warrantless arrests. TEAs of Level 1–3 status have the authority to issue summonses for parking and moving violations, but no other authority. Older Traffic Enforcement vehicles are dark blue or black with white decals and newer vehicles are white with light blue decals.[13][14] TEAs wear badges that are oval with an eagle on top, in contrast to the shield worn by police officers and the seven point star worn by Auxiliary officers.

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