Sunday, October 23, 2011

Homelessness in New York 2011

Doesn't look at first glance like there are any more or any less homeless people on the streets on NYC.

Let me check the internet:from Coalition for the Homeless--

State of the Homeless 2011:
"One in Three":
A Plan to Reduce Record New York City Homelessness and Reverse the Failed Policies of the
Bloomberg Administration

Download the full report here.
Send your letter to Mayor Bloomberg asking him to use what we know works - permanent, affordable housing - to fight the homelessness crisis he created here.

State of the Homeless 2011

April 11, 2011
By Patrick Markee, Senior Policy Analyst, and Giselle Routhier, Policy Analyst
In the midst of high unemployment, the steady loss of affordable housing, and years of failed policies under the Bloomberg administration, an all-time high number of New Yorkers turned to homeless shelters last year and the New York City homeless shelter population is now larger than at any time since the City began keeping records.
An all-time record 113,553 homeless people - including 42,888 children - slept in municipal shelters in FY 2010, an 8 percent increase from the previous year and a 37 percent increase from FY 2002 when Mayor Bloomberg took office.
• This includes a record 28,977 families, a 10 percent increase from the previous year and a remarkable 81 percent more than when Mayor Bloomberg took office.
• And by the end of February of this year, the nightly census of homeless adults and children in the municipal shelter system - 39,542 people - reached the highest point ever recorded.

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