Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fifth Church of Christ Scientist

There are a lot of Christian Scientist churches still left in Manhattan...as I remember, it was a movement that was started in the 1920's...

Wikipedia says:

Christian Science is a system of thought and practice derived from the writings of Mary Baker Eddy and based on her interpretation of the Bible. She was a theologian who created a new religious synthesis "by repudiating the tenets of transcendentalism, spiritualism, liberal protestantism, and New Thought." [1] It is practiced by members of The First Church of Christ, Scientist as well as some others who are nonmembers. Its central texts are The Bible and the Christian Science textbook, Science & Health With Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. In the textbook, Mary Baker Eddy describes the teachings and healings of Jesus as a complete and coherent science which is both demonstrable and provable through healing.[2] Mary Baker Eddy spent the two years prior to the publication of Science & Health documenting evidence for the healing of various diseases and other physical ailments. In the chapter "Fruitage," accounts of healing believed to be accomplished mainly by reading "Science and Health" are given, and the chapter was appended to a much later edition than the original. Christian Science asserts that man and the universe as a whole are spiritual rather than material in nature and that truth and good are real, whereas evil and error are illusive aspects of material existence.[3] Christian Scientists believe that through prayer, knowing and understanding, all things are possible for good through God.

Mary Baker Eddy wrote that she learned the Christian Science method of healing as she recovered from an injury in 1866 after reading a Bible passage describing one of Christ's healings. She believed that Jesus Christ's way of healing is available to all people, now as much as in Biblical times. After this recovery, she studied the Bible for many years and documented her understandings in the Christian Science textbook entitled Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, copyrighted in 1875 and still in print today. The Bible and "Science and Health" are the foundation for Christian Science beliefs. "She concluded that Jesus was the practical demonstration of the spiritual power,a master healer who saved humans from sin, sickness, and death. His miracles were 'natural demonstrations of divine power,' a force available to any one with correct knowledge." [1]

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