Monday, January 24, 2011

Is Obama a Pawn of Wall Street?

IN the last year, I have read and heard more and more commentary about the Wall Street bailout and that Obama is too subservient to Wall Street.

The real problem seems to be how expensive it is to run for office in the United States ( it is getting to be a problem in other countries too).

I am always glad when some candidate spends millions and millions of their own money and loses. The reason for this, however, may be just that they never bothered to build up a broad base of support for their own candidacy. Most of Obama's Presidential run contributors made relatively small donations.

But their is a lot of evidence that as a culture the U.S. has grown much greedier and there is more civic corruption in places like California than there used to be.
Places like Iowa I suspect have less corruption just because there is less money to be made ( and less drug money in particular).

Leave a comment if you disagree with me.

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