Wednesday, March 24, 2010

NYC History- the famed Tibetan Kitchen

Great piece of NYC history is associated with this place on Third Avenue near 31st Street...

Refugee Tibetan man opened restaurant and had mural painted on side wall, showing Tibetan mountains.

It didn't remain unsullied for long.
Smack dab in the middle of it was placed a large poster/newspaper page self-published by a fringe communist type who manage to slap these things all over Midtown and the Village.

They were usually mostly unintelligible rants about the Trilateral Commission and conspiracy theories...

This time, however, owner of restaurant complained directly to Mayor Koch and ( wonder of wonders) some action was taken.

Guy was apprehended putting up his posters on other people's property somewhere in early hours of the a.m.

Not unsurprisingly ( if you remember NYC of that period) he was a tenured City employee in some bureaucracy who lived in one of those big, cheap rent controlled apartments of that era....
and simply survived on his city job to "do his thing."

Looks like the restaurant never bothered to try to recreate mural...just painted wall over.

This is a story that represents another New York that is a "lost city"-- lots of people who today couldn't afford to live in Manhattan, and all the residual Trotskyites and other types who would have been shot if they had been in Russia or China at the time.

Their memory lingers on, however....NYC still has plenty of iconoclasts. Though most of them richer.

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