Sunday, March 28, 2010

Midtown Nostalgia

Walking in misty Midtown Manhattan on a Sunday, seeing old sights brought back a flood of memories..

To start with there were the Citicorp and nearby "Lipstick" building where Bernie Madoff had his HQ.

Have been walking past these buildings for more years than I care to remember.

Then there is the Waldorf Astoria, where I stayed in the summer orf 1963.

Remember there was a black man in a business suit checking in in the hotel lobby, and thought how you wouldn't see that at the Palmer House in Chicago, say.

Took the Fifth Avenue bus to Washington Square Park ( where the buses turned around and went back up Fifth Avenue in those days-- before all the one way streets.)

Went to an interview at Washington Square College at NYU. I had already been accepted, this was just to meet an advisor.

What was to be typical of my experience there, I got a bored woman professor who was completely out of it and who was worse than useless helping me plan courses for the first semester. In some ways I think she actually sabotaged me==but it's a long story.

Finally, here are some shots of secluded gardens at Tudor City....they look better in person than they do in photos.

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