Saturday, February 13, 2010

So This is Avatar

I didn't see the movie "Avatar" under the best possible circumstances. Partly I was out killing time while waiting to go back to my apartment which had been sprayed (again) for bedbugs, which I am slowly getting rid of. Have found through research it takes a lot of work to get totally free of damn bugs...

I really enjoyed the 3D effects in Avatar but that was about it.

The story is not a new one and as everyone keeps saying is "formulaic."

To give you an idea of the lowest-common-denominator nature of the script, the precious mineral being mined on this far-away planet Pandora is called--get this-- "unobtanium."

Who thought that one up, a ten-year old? Someone has said to me that the movie is probably geared towards the mind of a ten year old to help make back all the money that went into making it ( hundreds of millions of dollars).

In other words, "cinema history" is made by deliberately making a movie that's fun for the feeble-minded, thus allowing huge amounts of money to be spent on special effects that would not otherwise have been possible.

Not that I have anything against ten year olds, I should add. I have a niece who is ten years old and I am told that she loved Avatar. So it wasn't a complete waste, after all.

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