Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Exit street canyon, "found" still life

People are always comparing narrow streets in Manhattan to canyons, and this exit street from the Midtown tunnel certainly has that feeling...( I have a calendar on my wall with the May picture being a panoramic shot of the Grand Canyon, as it happens).

Dreary, drizzly chilly days in New York...

Recently took a virtual tour of Nevada City, California...easy to do if you know how to use Google street views. Nice, prosperous hilly town with huge pine trees.

Wish I had a polarizing filter or something to improve picture of store window on Second Avenue which is partly cleared out during a move, leaving an unexpected sort of "found" still life behind. 

Lots of stores are moving these days (some closing) due to the economy....guess really damage is not so much what you can see as what people are going through around you that you can't see--worrying about their jobs or having been laid off. 

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