Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Since You Can't Ignore It.....and Touro College

Since You Can't Ignore the Empire State Building in Midtown Manhattan, thought I would show how it peeps out at you everywhere and have done with it...you see it on TV here every night lit up in different colors for different occasions, etc. So here it is for the first and (hopefully) last time...

According to what I can find on the Internet, Touro College is a Jewish sponsored  institution that was founded in 1970 and has now over 23,000 students and sister campuses in other countries...

This older building at 30th Street and Lexington is now for sale or rent ( sign says)....must be part of greater history of the school, for this place obviously predates 1970.

Touro was an early Jewish leader in NYC....

If anybody knows more about this building, please let me know.

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