Tuesday, December 6, 2016

New Atlas

The Corbin Sparrow is back. The fully enclosed, electric, single-seat, three wheel city commuter out of Hollister, California features bizarre golf ball dimpling all over the rear surfaces for superior aerodynamics. We spoke to Mike Corbin about his modest ambitions for this remarkable little car.  Read more
Having released what's powering its big-rig earlier this year, Nikola Motors has taken a step towards being production ready. The startup used an event last week to show off a fully-built One, announcing distribution partners and service plans in the process.  Read more
In Beijing, even cramped apartments can fetch a small fortune, but PAO recently built a new prefab home for a first-time buyer for just US$10,000. Based on the firm's patented panel system, it can potentially be assembled by a couple of unskilled people in as little as 24 hours using a hex key.   Read more
Humans have never lived longer than we do right now, but longer doesn’t necessarily mean healthier. A Harvard team has discovered a link between aging and a core biological process known as RNA splicing, which may be manipulated to not only increase our lifespan, but help us stay healthy for longer.   Read more
Exoplanets around distant stars can be hard to spot directly because the light of their parent star tends to block them from view. Scientists at Australian National University (ANU) have come up with a new optical chip that can be used with a telescope to help resolve the picture.   Read more
Resistive random-access memory (RRAM) is an emerging tech that relies on temperature and voltage to store data, although exactly how is a mystery. Now a team has investigated the chips and found the optimal temperature range was lower than expected, paving the way for more efficient memory.  Read more
​In a quest to give robots human-like grace even in the frozen wastes of space, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory is looking at exotic gears made out of exotic material called Bulk Metallic Glass.   Read more
Now that 2016's jetting toward a close, we've gone back through our coverage to bring you our very favorite water toys in a list that includes multifunctional jet drives, floating multi-person lounges, folding and inflatable watercraft, deep-diving personal submarines and more.   Read more
If you've already got your hands on a Google Daydream View headset, then you are probably an enthusiastic early adopter. Here are New Atlas' picks for the best games and apps to download as you prepare to lose yourself through the power of mobile VR.  Read more
​When baseball pitchers are practising, three of the main things that they try to improve are the ball's speed, trajectory and spin rate. A group of Taiwan-based entrepreneurs is now offering a new way of measuring these, in the form of the Strike "smart" baseball.​   Read more
Amazon has shown it will try just about anything to get its stuff into consumers' hands. The monster retailer's latest take on the brick-and-mortar store is called Amazon Go, a convenience store without check-out lines that works via a mobile app.​   Read more
​People are now quite used to the sight of multicopter drones, with their symmetrical bodies and evenly-spaced propellers. However, what happens when the situation calls for an asymmetrical design? Well, there's now a software system that will guide you through creating it.   Read more
​GoPro's release of its long-awaited Karma drone didn't exactly go to plan, but customers can still get a taste of the drone's camera technology – albeit on the ground. The company has now begun sales of the Karma Grip, which is a handheld camera stabilizer much like competitor's DJI's Osmo.   Read more
Scientists have come up with a cold plasma technology to zap cooking odors at the source, which means you'll be able to eat at your favorite soul food joint without smelling like it.   Read more
We spent much of this year trying out various virtual reality games on a variety of platforms. With Oculus putting the finishing Touch on the Rift this week as it launches its excellent motion controllers, there have been some big changes in our picks for the best VR games.   Read more
Scientists studying carbon stored in the planet's soil have calculated that as temperatures rise, it will escape into the atmosphere in such quantities that it would be the same as adding another United States to the planet's carbon footprint by mid-century.​   Read more
A year after it first got under way, the first major work for London's Thames Tideway Tunnel "super sewer" project has been completed. A replacement pier at Blackfriars will provide continued access to river transport during work to reinforce the nearby river wall.   Read more
​Lexus is no stranger to weird concepts, the brand having previously created everything from hover boards to spacecraft. Its latest offering is one of the most eye-catching ideas yet. For its appearance in a pop music video, the LIT IS was covered in more than 40,000 LED lights​.   Read more
Chocaholics the world over are fighting to enjoy the sweet treat in moderation, lest they end up looking like Augustus Gloop. A team of scientists in Lausanne has managed to structure sugar differently, which could help create delicious chocolate that's easier on the waistline.   Read more
My mother would call it the height of laziness, on par with getting food delivered or using a remote control for the telly, but there is now a device called Smartduvet that takes any duvet and turns it into a bed that makes itself.   Read more
Google starts rolling out its latest Nougat update today. Nougat 7.1.1 brings more inclusive emojis, in-app GIF messaging and navigational shortcuts to qualifying Android devices.   Read more
Award-winning True Key by Intel Security lets you access all of your accounts without the hassle of remembering and organizing passwords. With True Key, you are the password. Use your unique features, like your face, fingerprint, or devices you've approved to unlock apps and websites. The True Key app will even help you strengthen your current passwords and remember them so you won't have to. Your digital life will get a whole lot easier, and a whole lot more secure.   Read more

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