Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Buenos Aires Herald

By Marcelo J. GarcíaThis collectors’ item you have in your hands is the last printed daily edition of this newspaper in a run that has lasted for over 140 years. Starting next week, the paper will not be a daily anymore, but a weekly. 
By Cristiana Visan
It is with unspeakable sadness that we print our last edition today as the only English-language daily newspaper in Latin America, ending the Buenos Aires Herald’s 140-year run.
• El final de un diario• Your View

The Herald, twice a victim

Marcelo J. García

The Herald, twice a victim

Chile shifts to the right

Patricio Navia

Chile shifts to the right

And the winner is…

James Neilson / As I See it

And the winner is…

Crime time

Sebastián Lacunza

Crime time

Negotiation or negation?

Martín Gambarotta

Negotiation or negation?

• World Trade

Senate committees pass merchant fleet bills

• On Sunday

Trump’s memoirs, political books explain origins of his attitude toward women

A selection of faces from today’s inmigration, which has changed so much over the course of the Herald’s history.
By Michael Soltys / Senior Editor
The Argentines, and especially the media outlets, are still learning to live in a democracy
By Sebastián Lacunza

Herald's 140th Anniversary

Two countries open for business

Newly appointed British Ambassador to Argentina Mark Kent.
By Mark Kent

Herald's 140th Anniversary

Argentina has a need for independent voices

By Jorge Taiana
Argentina’s Vice-President Gabriela Michetti.
By Gabriela Michetti

Herald's 140th Anniversary

Let history not repeat itself

Former Third Army Corps commander Luciano Benjamín Menéndez, who was given his 12th life sentence for crimes against humanity this year.
By Estela Carlotto
Ambassador Noah Mamet.
By Noah Mamet
Roberto Bouzas at the campus of the University of San Andrés in Victoria.
By Roberto Bouzas
Former owner of the Herald Peter Manigault.
By Robert Cox

Herald's 140th Anniversary

Knowing the truth sets us free

Governor of Buenos Aires Province, María Eugenia Vidal.
By María Eugenia Vidal

Thoughts on an anniversary

Choosing the right path

By James Grainger
By Martín Gambarotta / News Editor
By Noel Campbell
By Gastón Chillier
    ámbito financiero    Docsalud    
Edition No. 5013 - This publication is a property of NEFIR S.A. -RNPI Nº 5293935 - Issn 1852 - 9224 - Te. 4349-1500 - San Juan 141 , (C1063ACY) CABA 
Grupo Indalo

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