Thursday, September 29, 2016

New Atlas

At a presentation today, Elon Musk basically said that his life's mission is to make humans an interplanetary species. In addition to reinforcing his passion and commitment to Mars travel, Musk also laid out his plan to get us to the Red Planet in great detail.  Read more
2011's Speed Triple R reduced Loz to a dribbling idiot. The 2016 model is faster, tighter, more compact, smarter and much more refined. A grown-up hooligan machine most riders will be able to extract the best from on the street. Enjoy our latest video road test after the jump!   Read more
Having been announced almost a year-and-a-half ago, Aston Martin's first foray into the world of powerboats has finally come to fruition. The AM37 debuted today at the Monaco Yacht Show and, despite the carmaker being a little wet behind the ears nautically, it is as good-looking as you'd expect.   Read more
​​By improving the efficiency with which computer processors find and retrieve data from memory, researchers from Samsung Electronics and North Carolina State University have given computer applications a speed boost of over nine percent, while reducing energy use by over four percent.   Read more
Ququq has been expanding its line of camping boxes to fit additional vehicle models, and its latest product, the G-box, transforms the famed Mercedes G-Class into the G-Camper, a powerful force in multi-day off-road exploration.   Read more
Thanks to a new system out of the University of Washington, the security and ease of use of a phone's fingerprint scanner could soon be extended to other devices, by relaying a signal from a fingerprint scanner through the body​ to a receiver in direct contact with the user.   Read more
​​Did you know that the superabsorbent polymers used in sanitary napkins can take up to 500 years to degrade? Those polymers can also cause toxic shock syndrome. Now, however, scientists have developed an alternative which they claim is more environmentally-friendly, safer and more effective. ​   Read more
Wheel boots are heavy and cumbersome to carry, plus the people who put them on typically have to kneel dangerously close to passing traffic. That's why New York-based Ideas That Stick developed the windshield-blocking Barnacle.   Read more
Line 6 says its new Spider V guitar amps come with more amps, cabinets and effects than any other amps in their class. What's more, most of the models in the series have a cooked in wireless receiver that's compatible with the company's Relay transmitters for cable-free playing.   Read more
If 2015 was the year smartwatches had their mainstream arrival party, then 2016 has been the year they sobered up. In a watered-down field, let’s compare our top picks of the smartwatches you can buy today.  Read more
Looking to bring its expertise to a more mobile market segment, DJI has today released its first compact drone. The Mavic Pro is a portable flyer featuring a folding design, 4K camera and a suite of autonomous flight modes.   Read more
While the Hasselblad X1D is surprisingly compact for a medium format camera, it’s not at all small when it comes to photographic ability. We recently got the chance to go hands-on with the camera at Photokina, and are now even more smitten than we were before.   Read more
New bicycle lighting technology from UK-based Brightspark Global not only equips bikes with widely-spaced dual headlights, tail lights and front/rear turn indicators, but it also shines nifty laser signals onto the road.  Read more
A new type of motion simulator has been developed that comprises a cabin suspended and maneuvered by robotically-controlled steel cables. It is able to be installed in rooms of varying sizes, and can be moved greater distances and at greater speeds than conventional simulators.   Read more
YI Technology used Photokina to announce that it was entering the mirrorless camera market with the Micro Four Thirds M1. Read on to see how we got on with the new camera when we had a brief hands-on.  Read more
​​These days there are a quite a few high-tech ways to keep our oral hygiene in check. Mint is the latest connected solution to hit bathrooms and beyond and is said to detect signs of gum disease and poor oral hygiene on your breath in the space of a few seconds.​   Read more
When it's not busy making cars, Nissan spends its time ruminating on highfalutin concepts like connected driving and the fuel station of the future. Thankfully, it's taken a break from these pipe dreams to work on something altogether more worthwhile for humanity: A self-driving queue-busting chair.  Read more
When a cancer invades the body, immune cells rush to the site to fight it. When that same tumor spreads, the cancer cells become invisible to our immune systems. Researchers are on to cancer's tricky cloaking mechanism, and the discovery could lead to new approaches to attacking the disease.   Read more
Incredible Tiny Homes recently put the finishing touches to a novel tiny house that, with its curved exterior and custom circular door, might not look too out of place in one of Peter Jackson's Hobbit movies. It was recently completed for a total cost of US$35,000.   Read more
Cloud storage is an incredibly valuable thing, and Cloud solutions don't get much better than Zoolz. With this lifetime of 500 GB of Instant, and 500 GB of Cold Storage, you'll have an extremely affordable place to safely store massive amounts of data. Access your Instant storage quickly and easily, or just deposit data in Cold Storage if you know you won't be needing it for awhile. Zoolz know you want options, and Zoolz gives you options.   Read more

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