Sunday, August 28, 2016

Le Monde

Updated at 3:08

political Weekend muscular right and left

Alain Juppé, candidat à la primaire à droite, fait sa rentrée politique au cours d'une réunion de ses supporters à Chatou, samedi 27 août 2016.
Primary right competition to the left of the government ... aspiring to the Elysee have animated the two days.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan salué par des officiers de l’armée turque à Gaziantep, le 28 août.

The Turkish offensive left dozens dead in Syria, Erdogan said his "determination"  13

On the fifth day of its intervention in northern Iraq, Ankara multiplies the bombings.
Le milieu de terrain parisien Lucas Moura et le défenseur monégasque Fabinho, dimanche 28 août, au stade Louis-II.

The Paris-SG dryly beaten by Monaco in the third day of L1

PSG suffered their first defeat of the season (3-1), at the third day. It retrograde and new league leaders are ASM and Guingamp.
Rentrée politique, élection au Gabon, canicule en France... Les cinq infos à retenir du week-end.

 Information to remember the weekend

political season, heat wave election in Gabon ... Small-up session with the information learned from the past two days.
Soirée du Nouvel An 1972-1973. Angela Merkel danse avec un camarade étudiant

Merkel: in the East, the school of caution  5

Series "Merkel East to West" (1 | 6). Where Does the Chancellor drew the foundations of his personality?Our reporter returned to Templin, where little Angela grew up.
Un membre des Forces armées révolutionnaires de Colombie (FARC), dans la cordillière orientale, le 16 août.

Colombia: FARC decreed a historic definitive cease-fire

La pollution lumineuse jaunit le ciel de l’horizon.

To storm the stars POST BLOG

A la maternité d’Argenteuil, en 2013.

Depakine: a member propose a tax on health products to compensate victims

Les playoffs du LCS de League of Legends.

Video Games: G2 eSport won the European final of "League of Legends"

Une femme sauvée par l’ONG espagnole Proactiva, le 28 août, en Méditerranée

More than a thousand migrants rescued Sunday off Sicily

« D’après le cabinet Gartner Group, les objets connectés seront plus de 20 milliards sur le globe en 2020  ».

The new war of the Internet  6

A restaurant refuses to serve two veiled women in Seine-Saint-Denis  15

Un homme montre un bulletin de vote lors d’un comptage électoral, à Libreville, le 27 août.

In Gabon, pending the results of the presidential election

Kristina Mladenovic le 8 août à Rio.

Tennis: Mladenovic, Garcia and Pair suspended by the federation because of their behavior in Rio  21

Alain Juppé, candidat à la primaire à droite, fait sa rentrée politique au cours d'une réunion de ses supporteurs à Chatou (Yvelines), samedi 27 août.

Primary right: Juppe well in his boots  67

USA. New York City. 1942. Salvador Dali, Prenatal Memory.

How are babies made ?

La terrasse du Ameron Hotel.

Hamburg Open City

Samuel Benchetrit au Festival du film d’Angoulème, le 27 août 2015.

Samuel Benchetrit: "Mary, my first love, my foundation"

September amazing outdoor pools

Cover of the album "Blues Pills" Blues Pills (2014).

Rock en Seine basks in blue pills

Donald Trump, le 27 août à Des Moines (Iowa).

Donald Trump, The Apprentice  8


  • 2:36Depakine: a tax to compensate
  • 1:43The migrants rescued in the Mediterranean
  • 0:38Milk Crisis: Monday mobilization
  • 11:31 p.m.Colombia cease-fire FARC
  • 11:18 p.m.Ligue 1: PSG beat in Monaco
  • 9:35 p.m.Refusal to serve veiled women
  • 8:20 p.m.Ligue 1: Monaco-PSG follow live
  • 7:52 p.m.Info retain weekend
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  • 1Emmanuelle Cosse wants to commandeer public places for migrants10169
  • 2Samuel Benchetrit: "Mary, my first love, my foundation,"2726
  • 3A restaurant refuses to serve two veiled women in Seine-Saint-Denisin 2400
  • 4Colombia: FARC decreed a historic definitive cease-firein 1942
  • 5In Perpignan "Visa pour l'image" exposes the folly of the worldin 1884
  • 6UFC-Que Choisir warns against toxic substances in certain school supplies1096
  • 7Dimitris Christopoulos: "We must go on the offensive to save human rights"865
  • 8Turkish offensive left dozens dead in Syria, Erdogan said his "determination"705

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The newspaper dated August 28

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  • Head of Infrastructure Project (H / F) Paris (75)HN GROUP


This artist’s impression shows the planet Proxima b orbiting the red dwarf star Proxima Centauri, the closest star to the Solar System. The double star Alpha Centauri AB also appears in the image between the planet and Proxima itself. Proxima b is a little more massive than the Earth and orbits in the habitable zone around Proxima Centauri, where the temperature is suitable for liquid water to exist on its surface.
Proxima b: do we finally discovered a habitable exoplanet?
Nicolas Sarkozy est de nouveau en campagne en vue de l’élection présidentielle de 2017.
The questions posed by the presidential campaign of Nicolas Sarkozy
Marwan Muhammad, head of the Collective Against the Islamophobia in France, answers reporters outside the Conseil d'Etat, France's top administrative court, in Paris, Friday, Aug. 26, 2016. The court has overturned a town burkini ban amid shock and anger worldwide after some Muslim women were ordered to remove body-concealing garments on French Riviera beaches. (AP Photo/Thomas Padilla)
Arrested "anti-Burkini": "You can not remove the humiliation caused" according to Marwan Muhammad
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Each week, find the essential news "techno" by signing up for the newsletter Pixels.
Les playoffs du LCS de League of Legends.

Video Games: G2 eSport won the European final of "League of Legends"

The Spanish training G2 eSport, led by two South Korean players, beat Splyce German team. She fought a place at the world championships.
Les nouvelles conditions d’utilisation de WhatsApp vont être examinées par l’autorité de protection des données personnelles britannique.
Sharing data with WhatsApp Facebook worried the British CNIL
Image tirée du film « Nerve », d’Ariel Schulman et Henry Joost.
"Nerve", the science fiction film so close to reality
Leslie Jones à la première américaine de « Ghostbusters », le 9 juillet.
The actress Leslie Jones, scapegoat of the new right supremacist Internet
L’application de messagerie WhatsApp a mis à jour jeudi 25 août ses conditions d’utilisation
Preventing WhatsApp to share your number with Facebook VIDEO
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M mag

And created Attali Attali 51

Economist, businessman, novelist, oracle, director, the indefatigable 72 years flirts with power from the Mitterrand era, has done everything, seen everything. And he built his own legend.
Upmanship parents to spend one last family vacation  39
Le duo Cassius en juillet à Ibiza : Philippe Cerboneschi et Hubert Blanc-Francard, alias « Zdar » et « Boom Bass ».
Cassius, rare birds of French electro
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US elections
Lors d’un meeting de Donald Trump, à Dimondale, Michigan, le 19 août.

Fini Trump? Minute, butterfly!  14

The American press is ready to bury the Republican candidate, the lowest in the polls. But the populist billionaire continues to monopolize attention.
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#CeuxQuiFont: It gives children key to understanding the religions
La convention démocrate à Philadelphie.
On the road to the White House: a 360 ° immersion
Ouvriers de l'ONF en débroussaillage sur une parcelle de la forêt Domaniale de Verdun. Douamont, Meuse, Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine, 09.05.2016
Verdun trees, moved Climate
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Un homme montre un bulletin de vote lors d’un comptage électoral, à Libreville, le 27 août.

In Gabon, pending the results of the presidential election

The authority claims its concern for transparency in the management of the election, in a country where, in 2009, the Presidential had ended by deadly protests.
A sauveteur évacue des enfants d’un immeuble du quartier de Maadi, à Alep, après un bombardement, le 27 août.
Jean-Marc Ayrault: "I tell the Russians to stop bombing" in Syria  37
Donald Trump, le 27 août à Des Moines (Iowa).
Donald Trump, The Apprentice  8
Dimitris Christopoulos.
Dimitris Christopoulos: "We must go on the offensive to save the human rights"  11
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In a group sites Worldwide

  • An ethic of joy
  • Le Touquet, Republicans at the time of Burkini
  • Legs: 7 (good) reasons to give
  • Beyonce at the MTV Video Music Awards with her ​​daughter Blue Ivy (who did not really want to pose)
  • Back with "We're not lying 'Lawrence Ruquier to pay the Burkini and Jean-Marc Morandini
  • Natalie Portman really does not understand the French (and French will not understand it)
  • Seen from elsewhere.Prohibitions burkini: the State Council put the kibosh
  • Culture.Long live bullfight
  • Innovation.The music on the go, for the hearing impaired


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Action Logement (1% logement): aids for employees

Discover lending Action Housing, who succeeded in 2010 to 1% housing. Who is affected by this loan, what are its characteristics?

Condo: Know before you sign the sales agreement

You buy a property? Before signing the sale agreement and pursuant to the Alur law, you must receive the documents on your future condo.

Share property in joint ownership

How to manage property in joint ownership? What is happening when you sell? The key to understanding


Façade du Conseil contistutionel à Paris le 26 août 2016.

Religious symbols: the Council of State fixes the limits of power of mayors  16

Ruling against the judgment anti- "burkini" the administrative court reaffirms the need for a proven risk of disturbing public order in any infringing measure freedoms.
A restaurant refuses to serve two veiled women in Seine-Saint-Denis  15
Des nageurs lors d’une course dans le bassin de la Villette à Paris.
Swimming in Paris: a race at La Villette but no general bath
Courses de rentrée dans un supermarché à Englos, le 18 août. AFP / PHILIPPE HUGUEN
UFC-Que Choisir warns against toxic substances in certain school supplies  8
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Siège de l’ONU à Genève (Suisse -2008

At the UN, the volunteer trainees still required  5

There is one year, a New Zealand student had inflamed the web camping at the UN to denounce the lack of compensation for 4000 trainees General of the organization secretariat. And since…
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The World Festival

Conversation avec Emmanuel Macron animée par Arnaud Leparmentier lors du « Monde » Festival à l’Opéra Garnier, le dimanche 27 septembre 2015.

Meet at the "World Festival" from 16 to 19 September

Four days of shows, exhibitions and debates with Ken Loach, Vandana Shiva, Gary Kasparov, Sidse Babett Knudsen, Houda Benyamina, Boualem Sansal, Cyril Dion and many other personalities ... Book your tickets for "The world 'Festival, held from 16 to 19 September.


The Octobot.

An amazing robot octopus and other science newsBLOG POST

On the menu of the scientific selection of the week: fungi to recycle batteries, NASA restores contact with lost probe since 2014, died of what the cave bear, etc.
La pollution lumineuse jaunit le ciel de l’horizon.
To storm the stars POST BLOG
Karsten Schuhmann et Aldo Antognini dans la grande halle d’expérimentation de l’Institut Paul-Scherrer, à Villigen (Suisse).
The mystery of proton shrinking  11
Prototype d’écouteurs sous-marins de 1917.
Funny inventions: VIDEOsubmarine detectors
Vue d’artiste de la surface de la planète Proxima b, qui tourne autour de la naine rouge Proxima Centauri, l’étoile la plus proche du système solaire. On devine aussi les étoiles Alpha Centauri A et B, qui complètent le système stellaire du Centaure.
Proxima b: discovery of the nearest extrasolar planet to Earth  23
Le 27 août, une demi-heure après le coucher du Soleil, le duo Jupiter-Vénus sera  visible à quelques degrés de hauteur au-dessus de l’horizon ouest.
Venus and Jupiter tonight graze at dusk POST BLOG
Ce qu’il reste du porte-avions américain, l’USS Independence, est filmé pour la première fois. La mission scientifique « Nautilus » l’a exploré à l’aide d’un sous-marin télécommandé.
First images of the wreckage of an aircraft carrier sunk in 1951 in the Pacific VIDEO
Une équipe internationale fore la glace avec un carottier au col du Dôme (4 300 mètres) dans le massif du Mont-Blanc.
Mont Blanc in the Antarctic ice cores collected for memory
Three questions to understand the scandal of Depakine VIDEO
This artist’s impression shows the planet Proxima b orbiting the red dwarf star Proxima Centauri, the closest star to the Solar System. The double star Alpha Centauri AB also appears in the image between the planet and Proxima itself. Proxima b is a little more massive than the Earth and orbits in the habitable zone around Proxima Centauri, where the temperature is suitable for liquid water to exist on its surface.
Proxima b: do we finally discovered a habitable exoplanet VIDEO?
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Rio 2016 Olympic Games

Shinzo Abe déguisé en Mario Bros

2016 Olympics: Tokyo takes the Olympic relay

After Rio, the sports world has entered the 32nd Olympiad leading to the Games to be held from July 24 to August 9, 2020 in the Japanese capital.
Rachele Bruni n’a pas hésité à faire son coming out après son titre olympique dans l’épreuve du 10 km en eau libre.
2016 Olympics: Games of coming out  14
French President Francois Hollande (R) reacts with France's Olympic and World judo champion Teddy Riner at the Elysee Palace in Paris, France, August 23, 2016.  REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes
2016 Olympics: French athletes cheered at the airport and received at the Elysee PORTFOLIO
Le champion olympique de judo  Teddy Riner lors de son arrivée à l’aéroport de Roissy le 23 août 2016.
Olympics: French medals Rio business card for Paris 2024
THE CARPET!The Olympics is over, as the Carpet
FASTER, HIGHER, STRONGERMalaise in the 50 km walk: record of dropouts in sunny Rio

Money & Investing

Une agence BNP Paribas, à Paris.

Mortgage: insurance delegation still does not take off

Despite the Hamon law, few subscribers a mortgage know they can get a cheaper insurance from an institution other than their bank.
DEMYSTIFYING FINANCEJoseph Stiglitz, US herald of the anti-Euro criticism


« Garder un contact avec le monde du travail, pouvoir montrer à un employeur que l’on a été actif durant certaines périodes, même courtes, est positif » (Photo: une agence Pôle emploi à Paris, en 2013).

Unemployment: the odd jobs promote the return to sustainable employment, according to a survey  5

The proportion of job seekers in reduced activity exploded. According to a survey conducted by five research laboratories at the request employment center, it helps to get out of unemployment.
French film director Francois Ruffin (author of the movie "Merci patron") looks on in Paris on April 9, 2016.
"Merci Patron" is a documentary about an unemployed middle aged couple in one of France's poorest towns so desperately in debt that they were on the point of burning their home. With the help of leftwing activist and film-maker Francois Ruffin they set up a sting operation to get the cash to save their home and land the man a full-time job, running rings round Arnault's sidekicks, including a former intelligence officer and a politician from the ruling Socialist party.
Call for project "Thanks boss!"Renault provider dismissed by the tribunal  5
Five books to read before going to live abroad
Tax cuts: misrepresentation of Manuel Valls  21
« Quand ces ateliers consacrés aux projets collaboratifs se développent, à partir des années 2000, ils sont essentiellement fréquentés par des passionnés » (Photo: page d’accueil du site du fab lab ICI Montreuil. Capture d’écran.
"Fab lab manager": a new job seeking candidates
  • Responsible recruitment agency and temporaryCONFIDENTIAL - 73000
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News in potatoes Blog Martin Vidberg

  • L'AIR DU TEMPS By Micael Local Manufacturing
  • NEWS IN POTATOES By Martin Vidberg Burkini: the tiredness
  • CARTOONING FOR PEACE By cartooningforpeace Colombia: a historic peace agreement

chef Simon

Pancake batter

Pancake batter

For neutral pancakes! A pancake recipe for Candlemas ... and all the rest of the year for a pancake party! "The batter can be prepared in advance since we must let it rest. For sweet crepes you can add 50 g sugar to the dough. "
Kouign Amann
Kouign Amann
Breton butter cake.
Homemade mayonnaise
Homemade mayonnaise
The egg yolk and without mustard. For this demonstration, the eggs out of the ...
Cold buffet
Cold buffet
family gatherings or meals with friends, beyond a certain number of seats ...
Leg of lamb in the ovenFor the lamb sacrosanct Easter but not only! For small parts ...
Norman tartapple tart and cream. There are many recipes for pie ...
Basque Chicken recipeClassically no olives in the Basque chicken but personally ...
Italian meringuemeringue cooked sugar


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