Monday, July 25, 2016

Training Institute for Mental Health- Report by Psychoanalytic Society

Dear Psychoanalytic Society member,

TI's Psychoanalytic Society had a very successful year. Dr. Richard Kogan, a distinguished psychiatrist and accomplished musician, enriched us with a riveting presentation and performance on the Life and Mind of George Gershwin.  Dr. Ted Jacobs is one of our most highly esteemed psychoanalysts. He known for his Countertransference Enactment paper, in addition to 50 other impressive books and papers, dynamically discussed new ideas on the use of memory in our transference/ countertransference work.

Our upcoming Psychoanalytic Society year will be even more ambitious and momentous. We have three exceptional programs planned.

On Dec 10, 2016 Richard Kogan, MD will return to deliver his latest exposition, THE MIND AND MUSIC of SCOTT JOPLIN, jazz musician. Fellow Psychoanalytic Society committee colleague Heather deCastro and I have previewed this latest Dr. Kogan story and concert. We can assure you this is another creative Kogan triumph; not one to be missed!  It will be an elegant entertaining and educational event at the Kosciuszko Center.

On March 10, 2017 we have another extraordinary program planned.  London based artist Jane MacAdam Freud,  Sigmund Freud's great granddaughter and Lucian Freud's daughter, will present a provocative talk, an authentic illustrative video, and personal art exhibit. Jane has been psychoanalytically educated and her topic OBJECT AUTHORITY is related to Freud's theory of the "thing" which discusses how we are affected by the image of the object on a preconscious and unconscious level.

Our last Jane Freud visit in 2011 was a historic, creative and exhilarating happening. It was one of great significance for the many attendees as well as for our TI director, Lee Kramer, and for myself.

Our final May 19, 2017 event addresses a provocative psychoanalytic topic infrequently discussed.  Danielle Knafo,  Ph.D. will present her prize winning paper, LOVE AND DEATH: NECROPHILIC AND SOMNOPHILIC ACTS AND FANTASIES.  Many who have heard Dr. Dr. Knafo speak have become avid recommenders.

Our Psychoanalytic Society has consistently aimed to bring the "best and the brightest" in the psychoanalytic/mental health field to TI. We hope you have been inspired and educated by our past events and anticipate you will again from our three planned 2016/2017 conferences.

You will be hearing from us soon about dues ensuring your membership.

We very much appreciate your support.

Joan Erdheim, Ph. D.

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