Friday, June 17, 2016

Le Monde

Updated at 3:22 p.m.

 Murder of Jo Cox: they were the motivations of the killer policies?  9

Plusieurs personnes rendent hommage à Londres à la députée assassinée jeudi 16 juin.
The alleged shooter he really yelled "Britain first! "Or" put Britain first! "(" The United Kingdom first! "). The question concerned the highest degree investigators.
Le secrétaire général de la CGT, Philippe Martinez, a été reçu vendredi matin par la ministre du travail, Myriam El Khomri.

Meet El Khomri-Martinez: "Disagreements were confirmed" on the labor law, as the leader of the CGT  49

The secretary general of the CGT, Philippe Martinez, was received Friday morning by the Minister of Labour, Myriam El Khomri.
François Hollande lors de la cérémonie d’hommage au policier et à sa compagne assassinés lundi à Magnanville (Yvelines), le 17 juin 2016.

Magnanville: Holland favorable to carry firearms to the police out of their service  18

During the ceremony of homage to the policeman and his companion, the president announced that steps would be taken to ensure the anonymity and officer safety.
Zlatan Ibrahimovic lors du match face à l’Irlande.

Italy-Sweden live: Ibrahimovic defies Squadra Azzura LIVE

Italy and Sweden meet this Friday for their second match of the Euro. After his inaugural victory against Belgium, Italy is almost qualified for the knockout.
Dans le mausolée Sidi Ben Achir à Salé

In Morocco, the martyrdom of chained crazy mausoleum of Omar Bouya

For decades, families desperate to find a place suitable for the mental illness of their relatives have sent the "detention" in a mausoleum near Marrakech.
Hommage aux disparus du vol MS804 d’Egyptair, au Caire, le 26 mai 2016.

The second black box of the Airbus EgyptAir was recovered

Reynaldo Gonzalez, le père de Nohemi Gonzalez, tuée à Paris dans les attaques du 13 novembre, s’effondre lors de ses funérailles, le 4 décembre, en Californie.

The family of a victim of November 13, a complaint against Google, Facebook and Twitter

Des policiers chargent des manifestants, le 14 juin sur l'esplanade des Invalides à Paris, lors de la manifestation contre la loi travail.

labor law: 10 convictions after the violence during Tuesday's protest in Paris

Bernie Sanders speaks during A Future to Believe In rally on June 9, 2016, in Washington, DC. / AFP / MOLLY RILEY

 Bernie Sanders he is likely to be Vice President?

Epreuves du bac 2016.

French Bac 2016: adjusted for the subjects written

Arnaud Montebourg et Cécile Duflot, alors ministres, le 21 septembre 2013, au Conseil économique, social et environnemental, à Paris.

The spectrum of 21 April freezes the landscape left 28

Des pompiers dépêchés sur les lieux d’un incendie mortel d’un immeuble de Saint-Denis, en Seine-Saint-Denis, le 6 juin 2016.

Fatal fire in Saint-Denis: an arrested suspect admits being behind the fire

Les forces irakiennes progressent vers Fallouja, située à 50 km à l’ouest de Bagdad, et détenu par le groupe Etat islamique depuis 2014.

Breakthrough of Iraqi forces in the center of Fallujah, a stronghold of the Islamic state since 2014

Deux braconniers tanzaniens devant le cadavre d’une girafe.

black magic and superstitions open new roads to traffic of species in Africa

Le très probable candidat à la primaire des Républicains évoque une série de mesures contre le terrorisme. Problème : la plupart sont déjà en place ou à l’étude.

 Terrorism, heated proposals of Nicolas Sarkozy  13

1800 personnes travaillent dans les bureaux de Google à Zurich.

Artificial intelligence: Google launches a European Research Group on Learning

A supporter takes a selfie with People's Party (PP) leader Mariano Rajoy during a rally at the start of the official campaign period for Spain's general election in Madrid, Spain, June 9, 2016. REUTERS/Susana Vera

China: You want a loan?Send me a selfie of you naked

Rocco Siffredi en mai 2016. Toutes les photos ont été réalisées dans sa résidence à Budapest.

Rocco Siffredi: "The porn sometimes is a heavy cross to bear"

Un migrant secouru par un membre de l’ONG Médecins sans frontières sur le bateau « L’Aquarius », au large de la Sardaigne, fin mai.

Opposed to the migration policy of the EU, MSF refuses European money 24

Jérôme Kerviel et ses avocats, le 15 juin à la cour d’appel de Versailles.

Kerviel, a "fool" handled by the General Company for witnesses in defense  46

Chez les haredim, une communauté en plein boom démographique en Israël, pas de sexualité non encadrée par les lois rabbiniques.

Sex under the control of ultra-Orthodox Jews  14


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The newspaper dated June 18,

Read Le Monde on web, iPad / iPhone, Android: Subscribe to € 1
with La Centrale
Research :
  • Assistant ADV H / FADECCO
  • Responsible income and financial studiesOF THE ESSONNE GENERAL COUNCIL
  • Management frameworkBANK OF FRANCE

Euro 2016

Didier Deschamps à Clairefontaine.

Euro 2016: France team has no recovery plan

"Les Cahiers du Football" decipher the second game of the Blues, concluded by a sluggish victory in any end game against Albania.
Zlatan Ibrahimovic lors du match face à l’Irlande.
Italy-Sweden live: Ibrahimovic defies Squadra Azzura LIVE
France's Paul Pogba controls the ball during the Euro 2016 Group A soccer match between France and Romania, at the Stade de France, in Saint-Denis, north of Paris, Friday, June 10, 2016. (AP Photo/Martin Meissner)
Team France: hide this arm Pogba that we can not see  27
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L’implantation des sunnites et des chiites au Moyen-Orient.
Understanding the conflict between Shiites and Sunnis in the Middle East
Astuce de chef : comment réaliser une vinaigrette originale avec un jus de viande ?
Chief Tip: How to create an original dressing with gravy?
La députée travailliste britannique Jo Cox a été tué jeudi 16 juin à une semaine du référendum sur le maintien ou la sortie du Royaume-Uni de l’Union européenne (UE).
In June 2015, Jo Cox delivered a strong first speech before Parliament
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Colette aves ses chats, en 1937 à Paris.

Literary Events in the tray: where are the women? 12

The writers are virtually absent subjects of French literature and offered to graduates.
What will look like France agglomerations? DISPLAY DIALOGUE
Les attentats de l'organisation Etat islamique sur les cinq continents, depuis juin 2014.
The attacks in the Islamic state left more than 2,500 dead in two years DISPLAY DIALOGUE
Bernie Sanders speaks during A Future to Believe In rally on June 9, 2016, in Washington, DC. / AFP / MOLLY RILEY
Bernie Sanders he is likely to be Vice President?
Plusieurs personnes rendent hommage à Londres à la députée assassinée jeudi 16 juin.
Murder of Jo Cox: they were the motivations of the killer policies? 9
Des personnes regardent la police se mettre en position devant eux, le 14 juin 2016 sur l'Esplanade des Invalides à Paris, lors de la manifestation contre la loi Travail.
Event June 14 against the labor law: the crazy calculations activists  8
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Each week, find the essential news "techno" by signing up for the newsletter Pixels.
Un visiteur de l’E3 s’essaie à la réalité virtuelle sur le stand de Sony.

E3 Show video game ends on a note of uncertainty

The Electronic Entertainment Expo closed its doors in the night from Thursday to Friday. Without giving clear trends for 2017.
« Eagle Flight ».
Horror, dancers and eaglets six virtual reality experiences in video game Salon
1800 personnes travaillent dans les bureaux de Google à Zurich.
Artificial intelligence: Google launches a European Research Group on Learning
Reynaldo Gonzalez, le père de Nohemi Gonzalez, tuée à Paris dans les attaques du 13 novembre, s’effondre lors de ses funérailles, le 4 décembre, en Californie.
The family of a victim of November 13, a complaint against Google, Facebook and Twitter
French Junior minister for Digital Economy Axelle Lemaire answers to journalists' questions following a working meeting on the fight against terrorism between French Prime Minister and major internet and social networking actors on December 3, 2015 in Paris. / AFP / STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN
The data, the new "hobby" of companies
Mark Zuckerberg, Chairman and CEO of Facebook, and his wife Priscilla Chan arrive for an official State dinner at the White House in Washington, in this September 25, 2015 file photo.  Zuckerberg and his wife said they plan to give away 99 percent of their fortune in Facebook stock to a new charity the couple were creating, while announcing the birth of their first child on December 1, 2015.  REUTERS/Mary F. Calvert/Files        TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
Facebook, a well-ordered philanthropy ...
Les casque Gear VR de Samsung ont été lancés en mars.
The roller coaster of Samsung
Des conteneurs séparent le centre de convention de Los Angeles, où se déroule l’E3, du parking où s’est installé l’éditeur Devolver.
In Los Angeles, the small video game publisher that organizers wanted to hide
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US elections
Bernie Sanders à son QG de campagne à Washington, le 14 juin.

Bernie Sanders sets conditions before rallying to Clinton

Aware of the weight it may have in the presidential campaign, the independent senator from Vermont does not intend to agree with the former Secretary of State eyes closed.
Bernie Sanders speaks during A Future to Believe In rally on June 9, 2016, in Washington, DC. / AFP / MOLLY RILEY
Bernie Sanders he is likely to be Vice President?
« Barack Obama est directement responsable de cela, parce que quand il a rapatrié tout le monde d’Irak, Al-Qaida est allé en Syrie, est devenu l’Etat islamique, et l’EI est ce qu’il est aujourd’hui grâce aux échecs de Barack Obama », a déclaré John McCain.
After Orlando, John McCain critique Obama, whom he accuses of not having enough fought EI
Christopher Murphy à Washington, le 16 juin 2016.
US election: the Senate prepares for a vote on the firearms
Orlando Trump and Clinton oppose the firearms VIDEO
Donald Trump a plaidé, mercredi 15 juin, pour la surveillance des mosquées, et a de nouveau proposé d’interdire provisoirement aux musulmans d’émigrer aux Etats-Unis.
Donald Trump hard to capitalize on the assassination of Orlando

large Formats

Jean-Claude Coutausse twelve years of political photography "World"
Child labor: when dad has regained the job ...
La partition, perdue, puis retrouvée, de la cantate signée Mozart et Salieri pour Nancy Storace.
In search of lost notes
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Players Exclusives


Christopher Murphy à Washington, le 16 juin 2016.

US election: the Senate prepares for a vote on the firearms

Speech 14 hours of Senator Murphy to boycott anti-Trump on NBC, the bulk of the US campaign.
Un migrant secouru par un membre de l’ONG Médecins sans frontières sur le bateau « L’Aquarius », au large de la Sardaigne, fin mai.
Opposed to the migration policy of the EU, MSF refuses European money  24
La députée travailliste Jo Cox à Londres en 2015 .
Killed in the countryside, Jo Cox campaigned for the maintenance of the UK within the EU  33
Henrique Alves, alors ministre du tourisme brésilien, discute avec le chef de cabinet du président, Eliseu Padilha (à gauche), le 7 juin à Braslia.
Brazil: resignation of a third minister under the deal Petrobras
Campagne pour le « Non » au refenrendum à ramsgate le 13 juin 2016.
Robert Tombs: "The constant tinkering of our relations with the EU is not good for anyone"  5
An aerial view of Kenya's capital city Nairobi on July 13, 2001. AN - RTRKOTP
The Crucis atheists Kenya
Moshe Yaalon à Tel-Aviv, le 20 mai 2016.
Former Israeli Minister of Defense Weeder Netanyahu 20
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Le secrétaire général de la CGT, Philippe Martinez, a été reçu vendredi matin par la ministre du travail, Myriam El Khomri.

Meet El Khomri-Martinez: "Disagreements were confirmed" on the labor law, as the leader of the CGT  49

The secretary general of the CGT, Philippe Martinez, was received Friday morning by the Minister of Labour, Myriam El Khomri.
Arnaud Montebourg et Cécile Duflot, alors ministres, le 21 septembre 2013, au Conseil économique, social et environnemental, à Paris.
The spectrum of 21 April freezes the landscape left  28
The right is preparing a plan for private medicine  6
Manuel Valls, François Hollande et Bernard Cazeneuve au ministère de l’intérieur, le 15 juin.
The "feeling better" undermined by tensions  37
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In a group sites Worldwide

  • At Sónar, the joyous wedding of electro and tech news
  • Cyrille Eldin approached the "Petit Journal", the impertinence of Canal + threatened
  • Sónar 2016: The Black Madonna look, James Blake, New Order, Matias Aguayo, DJ Craze ...
  • Given the UK. The virulence of pro-Brexit is no stranger to the murder of Jo Cox
  • UK.Murder of Jo Cox: "The murdered democracy"
  • Euro 2016. Germany favorite ... really?
  • PHOTOS. This tower in Brighton, England broke two world records
  • Taylor Swift photographed in the arms of Tom Hiddleston
  • VIDEO.In full controversy, Paul Pogba denies "firmly" making someone the finger against Albania



The right is preparing a plan for private medicine  6

A bill Party Republicans was discussed Thursday at the National Assembly. A guidance text was also presented.
Marche entre le commissariat de Mantes-la-Jolie et le domicile des deux policiers tués, Jessica Schneider et Jean-Baptiste Salvaing. Sur le parcours, des roses blanches sont distribuées aux collègues et amis des victimes. Marche depuis le commissariat de Mantes-la-Jolie. Larossi Abballa est le terroriste présumé de l'assassinat. L'acte a été revendiqué par l’Etat islamique.
A Magnanville, fear and anger police  37
C’est à la gare de Carcassonne qu’a eu lien l’arrestation ( image d’archive ) .
A young man suspected of planning attacks arrested in Carcassonne  27
Jérôme Kerviel et ses avocats, le 15 juin à la cour d’appel de Versailles.
Kerviel, a "fool" handled by the General Company for witnesses in defense  46
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My successful real estate project

Content designed & proposed by CREDIT AGRICOLE e-property

Planning your move: premium, costs and procedures

Termination or transfer services, change of address and moving allowance. What are the cost involved?And there are aids?

Notary fees: if bought in the old and the new

Are notary fees regulated? What share of taxes? What taxation for the former? And the new? Deciphering the notary fees.

compulsory building diagnoses before a sale: the complete list

From classic to most recent, real technical diagnostics are designed to protect and inform purchasers. List of mandatory diagnostics.


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(FILES) This file photo taken on July 6, 2010 shows Abeille Noire (Black Bees) or apis mellifica mellifica on the Ouessant Island.  The defenders of the black bee, species of the Western European countries, alarmed by its disappearance in France, decided to gather to fight against this situation. / AFP / FRED TANNEAU

600,000 signatures against neonicotinoids are harmful to bees  20

The Minister for Ecology, Segolene Royal, said it would put "all its weight into the battle" that was passed banning these pesticides.
The melomy, an Australian rodent, could be the first mammal to disappear because of climate change.
An Australian rodent, the first mammal to disappear because of global warming? BLOG POST
Deux braconniers tanzaniens devant le cadavre d’une girafe.
Black magic and superstitions open new roads to traffic of species in Africa
Centrale nucléaire de Fessenheim, 24 mai 2011, Haut-Rhin, Alsace, France.
A reactor at Fessenheim stopped to work
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M mag

Rocco Siffredi en mai 2016. Toutes les photos ont été réalisées dans sa résidence à Budapest.

Rocco Siffredi: "The porn sometimes is a heavy cross to bear"

A device 26 centimeters 1700 movies and no less than 6000 partners in counter. Thirty years after its debut, the Italian stallion form a new generation of porn actors. (Warning: some images may offend the sensibilities of the young and the unwary.)
La reprise en main de leur sexualité par de jeunes New-Yorkaises dans « Girls ».
The second sexual revolution of the American series
Chez les haredim, une communauté en plein boom démographique en Israël, pas de sexualité non encadrée par les lois rabbiniques.
Sex under the control of ultra-Orthodox Jews  14
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Epreuves du bac 2016.

French Bac 2016: adjusted for the subjects written

Are already available video-adjusted comment and dissertation for the S and ES series and corrected the issue of corpus and the dissertation of the L series
Procureurs et avocats pendant la cérémonie de rentrée du barreau en janvier 2015 au Palais de justice de Paris.
Single examination for prospective students attorneys from 2017
Si vous voulez être aussi heureux que ces lauréats du bac 2013.
Tray: eight articles of the "world" to get a good grade in eco Sciences (SES)
Epreuve du bac 2016, à Strasbourg. Frédérick Florien/ AFP
French Bac S and ES 2016: complete corrected
Better to arrive early to the bin! BLOG POST
Jules Verne au programme du bac technologique 2016.
French Bac 2016: technological topics series cover Jules Verne and the creation
Jean Cocteau, à l’honneur du Bac L de Français 2016
French Bac 2016: The topics cover Cocteau and rewriting myths
bac 2015
French Bac 2016: topics S and ES concern Anatole France and celebration of the human being
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The World Festival


Malgré un cerveau d’un volume réduit, les corvidés, comme cette corneille d’Amérique, sont capables de comportements très intelligents.

The amazing brain of birds and other science newsBLOG POST

On the menu: a fire in a cargo space, in search of the English King Henry I, a lemur that deliberately did not sing in rhythm, etc.
Expérience de « toit sauvage » à Paris.
"Savages roofs" to green the city VIDEO
Des microtubules à l’œuvre pendant la division cellulaire.
Journey to the heart cells  10
A computer simulation shows how our sun and Earth warp space and time, or spacetime, represented here with a green grid in this image released in Washington February 11, 2016. Scientists have for the first time detected gravitational waves, ripples in space and time hypothesized by Albert Einstein a century ago, in a landmark discovery announced on Thursday that opens a new window for studying the cosmos.    REUTERS/Caltech/MIT/LIGO Laboratory/Handout via Reuters    FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS. NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVE.      TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
Gravitational waves strike again  12
This pictures taken on March 28, 2016 shows the skyline of Shanghai during a polluted day. / AFP PHOTO / JOHANNES EISELE
Climate: the inexorable rise in CO2 POST BLOG
"The precariousness of higher education and research we asphyxia"
Endocrine disrupters: outcry against Brussels  57
Oliver Sacks en 1961, dans le quartier de Greenwich Village, à New York.
If Oliver Sacks
Scrabble "A" lettered tiles are displayed on December 15, 2011 in Paris. The Standard and Poor's ratings agency warned France, Germany and 13 other eurozone members that they faced a possible downgrade of their AAA credit ratings. AFP PHOTO THOMAS COEX / AFP PHOTO / THOMAS COEX
Science examines the case of this Italian who speaks only French POST BLOG
Alain Prochiantz, chercheur en neurobiologie, professeur et administrateur du Collège de France, à Paris, le 9 juin.
"We risk losing a generation of scholars"
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Deux braconniers tanzaniens devant le cadavre d’une girafe.

Black magic and superstitions open new roads to traffic of species in Africa

Anes and giraffes have become the new target of poachers. One for his supposed anti-aging properties, the other for his "power" AIDS cure.
Hommage aux disparus du vol MS804 d’Egyptair, au Caire, le 26 mai 2016.
The second black box of the Airbus EgyptAir was recovered
Le président gabonais Ali Bongo Ondimba et son épouse Sylvia, en février à Port-Gentil.
Gabon: "The opposition wants power without change"
Dans le mausolée Sidi Ben Achir à Salé
In Morocco, the martyrdom of chained crazy mausoleum of Omar Bouya
Le président de l’Assemblée nationale ivoirienne Guillaume Soro serre la main du président Alassane Ouattara en 2015.
Guillaume Soro: "You will not take me to deliver state secrets on the phone"
See The World Africa
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Money & Investing

Contrairement au Livret A totalement défiscalisé, les intérêts perçus sur les superlivrets sont soumis aux prélèvements sociaux de 15,5 % et ils sont intégrés à vos revenus, donc fiscalisés selon votre taux marginal d’imposition

Passbooks: do not let yourself be blinded coupon rate

Folder special investments, episode 4. Before you get seduced by the returns highlighted, remember that your earnings will be taxed.
Les pensions de retraite ne devraient pas être réévaluées le 1er octobre prochain.
No revaluation in order for pensions  8
Placements, fiscalité, immobilier, donation... Nous répondons à vos questions.
Investment, tax, real estate ... LIVE Ask your question
DEMYSTIFYINGTheFINANCEcan France is being crushed by the Conspiracy Striker Cheats?


Principale raison de l’accélération de la croissance française, l’investissement des entreprises.

The job finally benefits from the economic recovery in France

The sharp rise in business and household investment is the main engine of growth, which should reach 1.6% in 2016, according to INSEE, and allow unemployment to decline.
Le président du Medef, Pierre Gattaz, le 14 juin.
Trading on UI fails
Le 14 juin à Paris, lors de la manifestation contre la loi travail.
Event June 14: "I was arrested because I dress in black"  5
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  • Director General of ServicesNEVERS AGGLOMERATION
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News in potatoes Blog Martin Vidberg

  • CARTOONING FOR PEACE By cartooningforpeace A Labour MP assassinated in Britain
  • By JUNGLERIES Boucq soccer and boxing, same fight
  • A YEAR IN HIGH SCHOOL By Fabrice Erre Better arrive early in the review
  • MY LIFE REAC By Morgan Navarro participatory Rififi 1

chef Simon

Crepe Recipe

Crepe Recipe

For neutral pancakes! A pancake recipe for Candlemas ... and all the rest of the year for a pancake party! "The batter can be prepared in advance since we must let it rest. For sweet crepes you can add 50 g sugar to the dough. "
financial recipe
financial recipe
Big or small financial almond and hazelnut butter. With silicone molds ...
Duck confit
Duck confit
duck leg confit in the oven This is a quick and simple recipe thighs ...
Pepper sauce
Pepper sauce
Cooking jump - Cute flaming veal fillet (about 800 g) is bigger than the ...
Galette recipe
Galette recipe
Cake with almond cream or frangipane. This is the pastry ...
Chili cone carneThe classic of classics recipes tex mex. The chili is the dish ...
Hollandaise sauceThe classic sauce for poached fish. This demonstration is ...
Stuffed cabbageRemembering Glaude There are certainly countless ways to decline the stuffed cabbage ...
Sweetbreadspoach and peel - Braising brown Given the price sweetbreads ...
PilafAlso called rice foie Unfairly called rice in fat because it is ...


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