Thursday, June 30, 2016

Le Monde

Updated at 10:34

The attack in Istanbul in five questions

Funérailles d’une des victimes de l’aéroport d’Istanbul, au lendemain de l’attaque-suicide, qui a provoqué la mort de 42 personnes, le 29 juin 2016.
The suicide attack, which occurred Tuesday, June 28, which killed 42 people and wounded 238, was conducted, according to Ankara by members of the organization Islamic state.
Une sage-femme discute avec une mamanà la maternité du CHU de Bordeaux en 2009.

Strengthening the role of midwives concerned gynecologists  12

While midwives will soon perform medical abortions, gynecologists denounce a risk to "the medical supervision of women."
En mars, la ministre du logement, Emmanuelle Cosse avait indiqué qu’à Lille, « après deux ans d’observation et de débats locaux, nous serons en mesure, avec la maire, de mettre en œuvre l’encadrement des loyers dès la fin 2016 », et que « trois ou quatre autres métropoles, dont l’agglomération parisienne, pourraient suivre ».

The rent control will be extended to the suburb of Paris  6

The housing minister said Wednesday that the measure was in force at Paris concerns 412 towns in the Paris area from 2018.
Premier petit déjeuner à 27 pour les chefs d'Etat et de gouvernent lors du sommet européen au Conseil européenà Bruxelles le 29 juin 2016.

"Brexit" divided, the European Union refers to its reforms later 8

At the end of the first European Council to twenty-seven Member States have agreed to meet in September, without deciding anything.
Didier Deschamps, lors de France-Albanie, le 15 juin, au Stade-Vélodrome de Marseille.

Euro 2016: Captain Deschamps navigates view  10

Forced to change his plans to play from the start of the Euro, the coach of the Blues takes his pragmatism before the quarter-final on Sunday against Iceland.
France's President Francois Hollande arrives before an EU summit meeting on June 29, 2016 at the European Union headquarters in Brussels. European Union leaders will assess the damage from Britain's decision to leave the bloc and try to prevent further disintegration, as they meet for the first time without a British representative on June 29, 2016. And as the shockwaves reverberate around British politics, Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is also expected in Brussels "utterly determined" to keep her pro-EU country in the club despite the Brexit vote. / AFP / STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN

Hollande ensures that labor law will be "passed on time"

Belfast 29 juin .

With Brexit, "Northern Ireland finds itself in a terrible position"

Les députés ont rejeté, mercredi dans la soirée, les amendements visant à expérimenter le récépissé lors des contrôles d’identités par les policiers.

"Facies Controls": the Assembly rejects the receipt 13

Des militaires burundais près de l’endroit où a été assassiné le général Athanase Kararuza, en avril, à Bujumbura.

The UN counted 350 extrajudicial executions in a year in Burundi

Dans son traditionnel rapport précédant le projet de loi de financement de la Sécurité sociale, la Caisse nationale d’Assurance maladie présente des mesures qui permettraient d’économiser 1,4 milliard d’euros en 2017.

Safely: ways to save 1.4 billion euros in 2017

Alicia Vikander, Oscar du meilleur second rôle en 2016, a été invitée à faire partie de l’Académie qui décerne les prix.

The Academy Awards is recruiting women and minorities

Antoine Deltour, au début du procès du LuxLeaks, à Luxembourg, le 26 avril.

LuxLeaks: suspended sentence for French whistleblowers  46

Odile Renaud-Basso, actuelle directrice générale adjointe de la Caisse des dépôts

Odile Renaud-Basso, first woman to head the Treasury

Le Palais de justice de Paris.

Six months suspended for two teenagers Toulouse parties in Syria  18

Eric Carreel, president fondateur de Withings, Sculpteo et Invoxia, en avril 2016.

Chéri (e), I sold my start-up  15

Nicolas Sarkozy, à Chartres-de-Bretagne, le 26 juin.

Sarkozy promises to return on the non-accumulation of ... and attracts critics right  121

Le président de la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Laurent Wauquiez.

Laurent Wauquiez waives finance a Muslim cultural center in Lyon  9

Hubert Falco, maire (Les Républicains) de Toulon, fut à la tête du département du Var de 1994 à 2002.

"Pass rights" and "family logic" in the Var department  18

Franck Dubosc dans le film français de Fabien Onteniente, « Camping 3 ».

"Camp 3" rancid stew with blue Waves

Le tableau d’information sur les vols à l’aéroport de Pékin, le jour du crash.

Crash of EgyptAir: examining black boxes away the hypothesis of the attack  7

Bernard Tapie, le 15 novembre 2013.

The Supreme Court ruling on the validity of the cancellation of the arbitration Tapie

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The newspaper dated June 30,

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  • Director of Information SystemsUNIVERSITY HOSPITALS GENEVA

Euro 2016

Didier Deschamps, lors de France-Albanie, le 15 juin, au Stade-Vélodrome de Marseille.

Euro 2016: Captain Deschamps navigates view  10

Forced to change his plans to play from the start of the Euro, the coach of the Blues takes his pragmatism before the quarter-final on Sunday against Iceland.
EURO 2016 - 1/4 FINAL
PolandThurs 6/30 -. 9 p.m.Portugal
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Relatives of one of the victims of yesterday's blast at Istanbul Ataturk Airport mourn in front of a morgue in Istanbul, Turkey, June 29, 2016. REUTERS/Osman Orsal
Attacks: "By targeting the IE, Turkey wants to attract the solidarity of the West"
Le souffle d'une des explosion de l'aéroport Atatürk filmé par une caméra de surveillance, le 28 juin 2016.
The blast of an explosion in Istanbul airport filmed by a surveillance camera
Une fusée du future lanceur lourd de la Nasa en phase de test, le 28 juin 2016.
Ground successful test rocket for future heavy launcher NASA
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Istanbul bombing: beware of false information

False opinion research, a picture taken in Brussels in March, a suspect false ... stock of disinformation circulating after the killing.
Photo prise le 18 janvier 2006 d'une fiche de salaire.
Wage income of French, down since 2009  26
Le logo de Google et le drapeau de l’Union européenne.
No, the British did not seek mass "What is the EU? "Google  9
Istanbul, Brexit, identity checks, Sarkozy ... The bottom of the news of June 30, 2016 at 8 am
More than 50 attacks in Turkey in a year and a half
Attack in Istanbul, slaughterhouses, meeting in Brussels and labor law ... The information learned at 8 am
French Economy Minister Emmanuel Macron (L) visits the shopping center of the Saint-Lazare railway station on June 22, 2016 in Paris, on the first day of the summer sales. / AFP / GEOFFROY VAN DER HASSELT
The small form of clothing for balances
Marina Walker
Marina Walker: "Investigative journalism can change the world"
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Why Lego and Star Wars fit together so well

In 2015, the Lego Star Wars range beat its sales record in France. The toy giant and the famous saga form for eighteen years one of the most successful partnerships in the entertainment industry.
Inside Facebooks data center in Luleå
In the data center Facebook, near the Arctic Circle DISPLAY DIALOGUE
En appel, la justice belge a donné raison à Facebook à qui il était reproché de « pister » les internautes non-inscrits. Mais le combat n’est pas terminé.
Privacy: Facebook won a round face Belgian justice
Donkey Kong, Yoshi et Sonic, trois figures du jeu de plateforme des années 1990
With Sonic, "Sega has created the most memorable mascot 1990s"
Mighty No 9 a récolté 4 millions de dollars de la part des internautes. Mais il a déçu ceux qui croyaient en lui.
On Kickstarter, the right to dream has a price
The "booktubeurs" reading prescribers for young Internet
Vincent Bolloré, en avril 2016, sur un écran de la salle Olympia à Paris.
Vivendi launches a difficult operation seduction with employees of Gameloft
Eric Carreel, president fondateur de Withings, Sculpteo et Invoxia, en avril 2016.
Chéri (e), I sold my start-up 15
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US elections
Bernie Sanders à son QG de campagne à Washington, le 14 juin.

Bernie Sanders sets conditions before rallying to Clinton  6

Aware of the weight it may have in the presidential campaign, the independent senator from Vermont does not intend to agree with the former Secretary of State eyes closed.
Barack Obama fera campagne le 5 juillet avec Hillary Clinton, en Caroline du Nord.
Obama rode his attacks against Trump
Le président américain, Barack Obama, a affirmé son soutien à Hillary Clinton dans une vidéo, le 9 juin.
US President, J-130: Barack Obama, weight support for Hillary Clinton
En 2008, Barack Obama avait remporté la Caroline du Sud face à John McCain mais avait perdu face à Mitt Romney.
Hillary Clinton announces first joint campaign rally with Barack Obama
Mike Tyson a un pedigree embarrassant. Il a été certes été plusieurs fois champion du monde des poids lourds mais il a été condamné en 1992 pour le viol d’une jeune fille de 18 ans.
Mike Tyson will not speak at the Republican convention
Donald Trump en campagne dans l’Ohio, le 28 juin 2016.
Donald Trump stands as an enemy of international trade to win the class voters

large Formats

Inside Facebooks data center in Luleå
In the data center Facebook, near the Arctic Circle
#CeuxQuiFont Ryad Boulanouar, the inventor of the account happens banker
L’Espace périphérique de La Villette à Paris.
La Villette cultivated gardens
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Belfast 29 juin .

With Brexit, "Northern Ireland finds itself in a terrible position"

The "Brexit" against which voted 55.8% of Northern Irish, awakened dreams of Ireland's reunification among Republicans. If civil war is history, in parts of Belfast, tensions remain
Le président américain, Barack Obama, a affirmé son soutien à Hillary Clinton dans une vidéo, le 9 juin.
US President, J-130: Barack Obama, weight support for Hillary Clinton
Christine Quinn, candidate républicaine à la Chambre des représentants, fait du porte-à-porte à Tampa.
A Tampa, pro-Trump flow into the battle
Le président russe Vladimir Poutine, a Moscou, en 2015.
Putin offers Erdogan to "turn the page" of the Russian-Turkish crisis
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In a group sites Worldwide

  • Carla Bruni-Sarkozy: "I do not know how a division or a simple multiplication"
  • Iceland how the players are known to have been selected for Euro 2016
  • Say hello to Sajad Gharibi, the Iranian Hulk
  • "With the Brexit, we pay the vision deficit pro-European"
  • Free Paris: our 15 ideas to enjoy the summer without breaking the bank
  • Attack in Istanbul: "Terrorism is trying to lock us up, when we should continue to live"
  • Philippines. Rodrigo Duterte, savior or a threat to democracy?
  • Zika.The hope of a vaccine keeps on ticking
  • Turkey.An attack that undermines the stability of the country


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My successful real estate project

Content designed & proposed by CREDIT AGRICOLE e-property

Bridging loan: terms, conditions and time.

Already the owner, you want to buy a home by selling yours, but you have not reduced your loan. Is the bridge loan for you?

Buy a second home: costs and gain

How to finance the purchase of a second home? What are the charges to be expected? What are the tax treatment of the capital gain?

Planning your move: premium, costs and procedures

Termination or transfer services, change of address and moving allowance. What are the cost involved?And there are aids?


Company logos for French telecom operator Orange, on a tablet screen, and Bouygues Telecom, on a mobile phone screen, are seen in this illustration photo taken in Nice, France, April 1, 2016. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard/Illustration/File Photo

High speed broadband unfolds slowly but surely

The goal of covering 50% of the population in 2017 will be reached this year, according to Bercy.Operators are reluctant to accelerate the movement.
En appel, la justice belge a donné raison à Facebook à qui il était reproché de « pister » les internautes non-inscrits. Mais le combat n’est pas terminé.
Privacy: Facebook won a round face Belgian justice
La gastronomie britannique, circa 2016.
The "Brexit" food, highly symbolic and horribly technical
En haut Anne Hidalgo, en bas à gauche Pascal Brice, en bas à droite Guisi Nicolini.
Receiving refugees: Mayors pledge
En mars, la ministre du logement, Emmanuelle Cosse avait indiqué qu’à Lille, « après deux ans d’observation et de débats locaux, nous serons en mesure, avec la maire, de mettre en œuvre l’encadrement des loyers dès la fin 2016 », et que « trois ou quatre autres métropoles, dont l’agglomération parisienne, pourraient suivre ».
The rent control will be extended to the suburb of Paris  6
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M mag

La Grande Mine – ou Trou de mine de La Boisselle –, un symbole de la bataille de la Somme en 1916, au cours de laquelle près d’un million de soldats furent tués ou blessés.

100 years of the Battle of the Somme parasitized by "Brexit"

Neither Hollande nor Queen Elizabeth II will head to the centenary celebrations of the Battle of the Somme on 1 July. These battles were yet bloodiest in the history of UK.
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Siège de la Société des ingénieurs Arts et métiers (Paris XVI).

Hazing: the Arts and Crafts, the "gadzarts" are integral to perpetuate the "traditions"  8

To fight against the excesses of the integration rite students of Arts et Métiers ParisTech, the state seeks to weaken the power of alumni, fervent defenders of "traditions" in the governance of the school.Investigation.
Un théâtre à ciel ouvert au Festival d’Avignon 2015.
Avignon 2016: student festival guide
Le Palais du Luxembourg où siège le Sénat, à Paris, en 2014
A Senate report urges better control of attendance scholarship students  12
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The World Festival

Create a local currency: how it works?

Create a local currency to revitalize the city VIDEO

Today there are about forty local currencies in France, created by citizens gathered in associations or cooperatives. Explanations on video.
#CeuxQuiFont Ryad Boulanouar, the inventor of the account goes INTERACTIVE VISUAL banker
Boualem Sansal, en 2015.
Boualem Sansal: "Islamism was faster than us"
Nolwenn Guillou, institutrice, dans la médiathèque toute neuve de l'école Le Blé en Herbe à Trébédan dans le Morbihan.
#CeuxQuiFont: In Cotes-school Trébédan recreates social INTERACTIVE VISUAL link
François Taddei, biologiste, dirige depuis 2005 le Centre de recherches interdiscipliniares (CRI Paris).
François Taddei: "It is time to move to a school of trust"


The Hubble telescope seen from the space shuttle Atlantis in 2009.

Hubble piles up again for five years POST BLOG

The mission of the space observatory into orbit in 1990 was extended until June 2021, which will allow it to wait for the launch of its successor.
torse et bras, avec bande de papier collée (pop-up)
Anatomy: an exceptional series of boards seventeenth century PORTFOLIO
Thibault Morra, chargé de mission, recueille des abeilles et des papillons sur une parcelle intégrée au Centre d’études biologiques de Chizé, dans les Deux-Sèvres.
Agriculture: and if they produced more with fewer pesticides and fertilizers  67
L’intelligence collective des fourmis a servi de modèle aux algorithmes d’optimisation qui permettent de calculer les chemins les plus courts entre deux points dans les navigateurs GPS.
The collective intelligence of ants in GPS VIDEO
Le supercalculateur chinois TaihuLight.
Supercomputers: China widens the GAP BLOG POST
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Money & Investing

En mars, la ministre du logement, Emmanuelle Cosse avait indiqué qu’à Lille, « après deux ans d’observation et de débats locaux, nous serons en mesure, avec la maire, de mettre en œuvre l’encadrement des loyers dès la fin 2016 », et que « trois ou quatre autres métropoles, dont l’agglomération parisienne, pourraient suivre ».

The rent control will be extended to the suburb of Paris  6

The housing minister said Wednesday that the measure was in force at Paris concerns 412 towns in the Paris area from 2018.
DEMYSTIFYINGBrexitFINANCEis a failure of the European Union


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  • VIEWPOINTFora: what Europe 'the Brexit "?
    After the vote of the British in favor of an output of Europe, French politicians, MEPs and researchers are questioning the EU's destiny.
  • MINUTESA scholarship amount on Saudi Arabia
    The book. This fundamental work of a French economist who lives in Riyadh, written under a pseudonym, was enriched by field observations, the discovery of the ruling circles and a collection of anecdotes.
  • PERSPECTIVEThe El Khomri law deserves a referendum
    In the name of peace and democracy, the last word belongs to the people. The government to listen, insist a group of academics, intellectuals and politicians.
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News in potatoes Blog Martin Vidberg

  • NEWS IN POTATOES By Martin Vidberg Brexit: there was no conspiracy!
  • LITTLE MIQUETS By Frédéric Potet Weekends spring Ruppert and Mulot (12/12)
  • THE INDÉGIVRABLES ... BUT NOT THEY For xaviergorce The call of the worst
  • CARTOONING FOR PEACE By cartooningforpeace Turkey suicide bombing at Istanbul's Ataturk Airport

chef Simon

Normandy Pie

Normandy Pie

Apple pie and cream. There are many recipes for apple pie, the apple tart, apple pie on applesauce, apple pie with a cream base called Norman pie and of course the inevitable tarte Tatin.
Kouign Amann
Kouign Amann
Breton butter cake.
Cold buffet
Cold buffet
family gatherings or meals with friends, beyond a certain number of seats ...
Basque chicken recipe
Basque chicken recipe
Typically there are no olives in the Basque chicken but personally ...
Crepe recipe
Crepe recipe
For neutral pancakes! A pancake recipe for Candlemas ... and everything ...
Mayonnaisethe egg yolk and without mustard. For this demonstration, the eggs out of the ...
Italian meringuemeringue cooked sugar
Leg of lamb in the ovenFor the lamb sacrosanct Easter but not only! For small parts ...


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