Monday, May 30, 2016

Le Monde

Updated at 10:46 p.m.

Live: the France leads 2-1 against Cameroon LIVE

Les Bleus face à la Russie, le 29 mars au Stade de France.
Decimated by weight of absences, the defensive sector is more than ever a priority project of the France team, passing the first test against Cameroon.
Dans le box des accusés, la bande des sept copains de Strasbourg est jugée jusqu’au 7 juin pour le même délit : association de malfaiteurs en vue de la préparation d’actes de terrorisme.

Trial Jihadist thread Strasbourg: "This is not the trial Bataclan"

The shadow of the attacks of November 13, embodied by the presence of the brother of one of the shooters in the theater, did not fail to soar on the first day of hearing.
Des avions Air France à l'aéroport Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle, le 24 septembre 2015.

The pilots of Air France are preparing to work stoppages

Instructed by the conflict of 2014, the SNPL does not want a long strike at the approach of the Euro and seeks the support of other unions.
Pierre Gattaz à Paris, le 26 mai.

The CGT union "thugs" Philippe Martinez judge about Pierre Gattaz "outrageous"  62

"It is up to defamation and we'll look at what we will do next," said the secretary general of the CGT, after what the President of MEDEF in an interview with "World".
Des policiers procèdent à l'interpellation d'un manifestant, le 26 mai 2016 à Paris, à l'issue d'une marche contre la loi Travail

"Why, when the victim is a police officer, are there two weights, two measures? "  34

"We need to stop this deterioration of the rule of law resulting in criminalization of the social movement," write Christmas Mamère, Olivier Besancenot, Annick Coupé and Jean-Baptiste Eyraud.
L’ambassadrice chargée des négociations sur le changement climatique Laurence Tubiana, lors d’une cérémonie à l’Elysée, le 22 décembre 2015.

Laurence Tubiana: "Companies should get clean fossil fuels"

Le système Fripon de détection des météorites au Pic du Midi, dans les Hautes-Pyrénées.

Hunting for meteorites soon open

Des habitants du quartier pauvre de Lidice font la queue devant un supermarché à Caracas, vendredi 27 mai 2016.

Venezuela implodes as a result of food shortages 39

Nicolas Sarkozy, le 27 mai 2016.

Flights by private jet to Nicolas Sarkozy: the floor requires a dismissal  15

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission logo adorns an office door at the SEC headquarters in Washington, in this June 24, 2011, file photo. Calpers, the largest American public pension fund, and nearly 60 other institutional investors will ask the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on April 17, 2015 to require that oil and natural gas companies publish detailed analysis of the risks posed by climate change to their business models.  REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst/Files

 Fines banks: tax fraud increasing  13

Manuel Valls, le 28 mai à Matignon.

Manuel Valls cancel a trip to Canada and Saint Pierre and Miquelon

Serge Haroche et quatre autres grands chercheurs étaient reçus à l’Elysée le 30 mai.

Holland renounce in part to decrease the research budget  37

Les Iraniens Saeed Marouf (à droite) et Seyed Mohammad Mousavilors d’un match contre les Etats-Unis en 2015.

Volleyball: France against the Iranian phenomenon

Mathématiques, une excellence française.

Young French shine in international mathematics competition  22

Le logo de Pôle Emploi vu sur la façade d’un immeuble de Nice.

 "Labour Law" Article 52 proposes measures already canceled by the State Council

Sofiane Rasmouk, jugé devant la cour d’assises des Hauts-de-Seine pour tentative de meurtre précédée de tentative de viol, viol et vol avec violence, a été condamné lundi 30 mai à la réclusion à perpétuité.

The recidivist Sofiane Rasmouk sentenced to life

« La SCI peut permettre de transmettre un gros patrimoine immobilier sans payer beaucoup de droits de succession ».

Homeownership: growing inequality  12

Le parc d’attraction de la ville fantôme de Prypiat, non loin de Tchernobyl, le 28 mars 2016.

When tourism visit bad taste

L’ancien dictateur Hissène Habré en juin 2015.

Habré trial: former Chadian president sentenced to life imprisonment for crimes against humanity

Image de Maliheh Mardi issue de son compte Instagram.

Maliheh Tuesday, "lioness of Iran" and wrestling beast POST BLOG

Le président de la République, François Hollande, et la ministre de l’éducation natioanle Najat Vallaud-Belkacem dans un collège des Mureaux, dans les Yvelines.

 60,000 jobs in education: the government still far from



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  • 1Holland renounce in part to reduce the budget for research7672
  • 2The measures bumper Australia against cigarette5450
  • 3The charge against Pierre Gattaz CGT: "They behave like thugs"5359
  • 4Recep Tayyip Erdogan condemned the police repression in France3074
  • 5Air France pilots vote the principle of a long strikein 1929
  • 6An international cemetery of migrants to "give them dignity, at least in death"in 1610
  • 7SNCF, RATP, airports: a new week of1475social protest
  • 8Minutes Habré: Chad's former president sentenced to life imprisonment for crimes against humanityin 1451

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Des combattants chiites et des forces de sécurité irakiennes lors d’un affrontement avec l’Etat islamique, près de Fallouja, le 29 mai 2016.
Iraqi forces entered Fallujah to free the city of the Islamic State
Blanchissement de la Grande Barrière de corail observé en mars 2016 en Australie par le ARC Coral Reef Studies.
Australia: bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef worries scientists
Manifestation à Marseille contre la loi travail
Strikes: "If the government fell, he risks eleven months of hell"
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The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission logo adorns an office door at the SEC headquarters in Washington, in this June 24, 2011, file photo. Calpers, the largest American public pension fund, and nearly 60 other institutional investors will ask the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on April 17, 2015 to require that oil and natural gas companies publish detailed analysis of the risks posed by climate change to their business models.  REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst/Files

Fines banks: tax fraud increasing  13

Since 2014, the fight against tax evasion continues, conducted almost exclusively by US authorities.
Le président de la République, François Hollande, et la ministre de l’éducation natioanle Najat Vallaud-Belkacem dans un collège des Mureaux, dans les Yvelines.
60,000 jobs in education: the government still far from
A l’Institut universitaire du cancer à Toulouse en 2014.
Why the cuts in the research budget, partly canceled, did not pass  24
Le logo de Pôle Emploi vu sur la façade d’un immeuble de Nice.
"Labour Law" Article 52 proposes measures already canceled by the State Council
« Oz ta droite », mouvement de Robert Menard lors du « Rendez-vous de Béziers » en mai 2016.
Help the political parties to find new names
Information to remember the weekend
Strikes, blockades, Austria, Greece ... summarized information of the week
Cahier d’apprentissage de l’arabe présenté lors du salon Expolangues, en 2006.
Arabic, a language "community"? It's mostly a forgotten area of the school 213
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US elections
Le candidat républicain Donald Trump lors d’un meeting de campagne le 26 mai.

If elected President of the United States, Trump will he "cancel the Paris agreement" on climate? 12

Despite his campaign promise, the Republican candidate would have any difficulty in questioning this international agreement to fight against global warming.

large Formats

Paysage des champs de batailles de Verdun.
At Verdun, in the forest, wounds
Verdun Family Memory
Ossuaire de Douaumont. 1916/2016 les 100 ans de la bataille de Verdun.
The "myth" Verdun
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Mohamed Allouche – ici, le 18 mai 2016 à Genève – dirige Jaïch Al-Islam, un groupe rebelle syrien d’obédience salafiste soutenu par l’Arabie saoudite, un des plus influents mouvements rebelles en Syrie.

Chief Negotiator of the resignation of the Syrian opposition to peace talks

Mohamed Allouche, politburo member of Jaich Al-Islam justifies its decision by the failure of negotiations in Geneva and the continued bombing the regime of Bashar al-Assad on the rebel areas.
Des combattants chiites et des forces de sécurité irakiennes lors d’un affrontement avec l’Etat islamique, près de Fallouja, le 29 mai 2016.
Iraqi forces entered Fallujah to free the city of the Islamic State VIDEO
François Hollande et Angela Merkel participe à la commémoration du centenaire de la bataille de Verdun. Douaumont, dimanche 29 mai 2016 - 2016©Jean-Claude Coutausse / french-politics pour Le Monde
Hollande and Merkel in search of the spirit of Verdun  6
Des migrants sautent d’une embarcation en train de chavirer au large de la Libye, le 25 mai 2016.
Nearly 700 migrants could have drowned in less than one week off Libya  49
Sadiq Khan, avocat et homme politique membre du Parti travailliste, a été élu maire de Londres en mai.
London: Sadiq Khan he will keep his promise 50 000 social housing units per year?
Des habitants du quartier pauvre de Lidice font la queue devant un supermarché à Caracas, vendredi 27 mai 2016.
Venezuela implodes as a result of food shortages  39
Libertarian Party presidential candidate Gary Johnson gives acceptance speech during National Convention held at the Rosen Centre in Orlando, Florida, May 29, 2016. REUTERS/Kevin Kolczynski
US election: a new candidate in the race
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In a group sites Worldwide

  • France-Cameroon: From his first minutes on TF1, Gregory Margotton (almost) unanimous
  • VIDEO.During the commemorations of the centenary of the battle, François Hollande confuses Verdun and Berlin in an embarrassing slip of the tongue
  • A gorilla killed by zoo after the fall of a child in the pen
  • Sam Mendes: only two James Bond, but have all exploded
  • Peter Hammill (3) better empire
  • Five nightclubs where Serge Aurier will never let go as
  • Chad. Life imprisonment for Hissène Habré, convicted of crimes against humanity
  • Russia.The political pilgrimage Putin in Greece
  • Iraq.Fallujah, military victory but political deadlock


Foued Mohamed-Aggad, 21 ans, au volant d'un pick-up en Syrie.

The shadow of a kamikaze Bataclan on the trial of the Jihadist thread Strasbourg 44

The trial of seven young Alsatians Syria income opens Monday in Paris. A band member, Mohamed Fouad-Aggad, blew himself up at the Bataclan on 13 November.
Le siège du conseil départmenetal des Bouches-du-Rhône.
A corruption scandal splashed the county council of Bouches-du-Rhône  28
Puteaux (Hauts-de-Seine), en 2015.
The housing office Puteaux treats his tenants and prevents disadvantaged  6
Courante en Allemagne, cette façon de concevoir l’habitat commence à se développer à dose homéopathique en France. Dans ce type de projet, chaque ménage dispose bien sûr de son appartement.
Participatory habitat, initial feedback
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L’ambassadrice chargée des négociations sur le changement climatique Laurence Tubiana, lors d’une cérémonie à l’Elysée, le 22 décembre 2015.

Laurence Tubiana: "Companies should get clean fossil fuels"

The French negotiator for climate ensures that "France must be the guardian of the temple of the Paris agreement."
Centrale nucléaire de Cattenom.
Is the French nuclear declining?
Blanchissement de la Grande Barrière de corail observé en mars 2016 en Australie par le ARC Coral Reef Studies.
Australia: bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef concerned about scientific VIDEO
Affiche de la campagne de l'Ademe contre le gaspillage alimentaire.
5 innovative solutions to fight against food waste POST BLOG
Coraux à Rangiroa, dans l’archipel des Tuamotu (Polynésie française).
"Tara" in the heart of Pacific corals
Pic de pollution à Paris, en mars 2014.
Cars pre-1997, banned traffic in Paris from July 1
ErDF, qui va s’appeler Enedis, avait changé de logo en 2015.
Forget ERDF, a subsidiary of EDF renames Enedis  12
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M mag

Une mère et ses 4 enfants dans les rues de New York.

The return of the perfect mother  29

Children match the sofa, forest walks and birthday parties "home made": the "happymamas" became the attached release of their highly scripted family happiness.
Paysage des champs de batailles de Verdun.
At Verdun, in the forest, the INTERACTIVE VISUAL wounds
"My job is to help companies firing people"  98
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Amphithéatre de la Sorbonne, l’une des universités qui proposent des doubles licences ou bi-cursus. AFP PHOTO / ERIC FEFERBERG

Dual licensing, a good alternative to preparatory classes?  6

Genuine products appeal universities to recruit the best students, the dual licensing sometimes struggle to be recognized in the labor market.
Mathématiques, une excellence française.
Young French shine in international mathematics competition  22
Inauguré en 2010, le bâtiment futuriste Rolex Learning Center, dotée d’une bibliothèque de 900 places.
How the Polytechnic of Lausanne (EPFL) has become one of the biggest  36
Epreuve de philosophie au lycée Lavoisier, à Paris, le 18 juin 2012.
Bac L: your revisions video (week 7: comentaire text of Hegel, English and Spanish)
Une semaine de révisions sous le signe des maths.
Bac S: your revisions videos (week 7: Derivability and function studies, complex numbers, genetics and evolution ...)
Le président de la République, François Hollande, et la ministre de l’éducation natioanle Najat Vallaud-Belkacem dans un collège des Mureaux, dans les Yvelines.
60,000 jobs in education: the government still far from
Le mathématicien Cédric Villani, le 30 mai. Distingué par la médaille Fields en 2010, il préside l’Institut Henri-Poincaré, qui héerge l’association Animath. AFP PHOTO / FRANCOIS GUILLOT
Tournaments that prepare tomorrow Fields Medals
Singapour, pôle technologique et financier
Silicon Valley around the world
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L’ancien dictateur Hissène Habré en juin 2015.

Habré trial: former Chadian president sentenced to life imprisonment for crimes against humanity

The former dictator ruled Chad for eight years before being overthrown by Idriss Déby. It is judged from July 20, 2015 by the Extraordinary African Chambers.
Afrique du Sud, 2015.
What to remember general meetings of the African Development Bank
Aziz Krichen.
Aziz Krichen "The quarrel identity has not disappeared in Tunisia"
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  • VIEWPOINTIs the French nuclear declining?
    If the civil atom still provides 75% of national electricity, industry is disintegrating because of risky strategic choices. MEPs Yannick Jadot and Claude Turmes, and MP (LR) Vaucluse Julien Aubert, disagree on the subject.
  • PORTRAITChristian Jambet, the rebellious spirit
    Great Islamic scholar, the philosopher was a Maoist activist in his youth. An intellectual journey whose uniqueness is reflected in his works on Islam, as it again shows "The government of God."
  • VIEWPOINT"The debate about the grace arises probably less in the field of legitimacy and in terms of its use"
    Prerogative of the President of the Republic, including Jacqueline Wild recently received, it should be more discretionary right sidebar, explain lawyers Cédric Martins and Jeremy Kalfon.
    Cédric Martins (Pupil lawyer in Paris) and Jeremy Kalfon (Pupil lawyer in Paris)
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Money & Investing

L’épargne solidaire a permis en 2015 d’injecter 290 millions d’euros dans des entreprises, des associations…

More than a million French have already signed a solidarity savings product

Outstanding social finance recorded a strong growth in 2015, according to the annual survey released Monday by Finansol.
« La SCI peut permettre de transmettre un gros patrimoine immobilier sans payer beaucoup de droits de succession ».
Homeownership: growing inequality  12
L’Agirc-Arrco propose depuis le 9 mai sur son site Internet un nouveau simulateur qui permet à tous les salariés affiliés à ces régimes d’estimer le montant de leur future retraite.
Estimate Your Retirement in 5 minutes
La Cour de cassation admet que l’exercice de la faculté de prononciation prorogée « peut dégénérer en abus » disant qu’elle ne peut plus maintenir sa jurisprudence antérieure qui n’opère pas de distinction entre la bonne et la mauvaise foi du souscripteur.
Life insurance: stop at the "right of the FOX» BLOG POST!
Le contribuable dispose d’un « droit à l’erreur » de 10 % de la valeur réelle aux yeux du fisc.
ISF: how to evaluate real estate?
DEMYSTIFYINGTheFINANCEcan France is being crushed by the Conspiracy Striker Cheats?

My successful real estate project

Content designed & proposed by CREDIT AGRICOLE e-property

compulsory building diagnoses before a sale: the complete list

From classic to most recent, real technical diagnostics are designed to protect and inform purchasers. List of mandatory diagnostics.

Calculate its borrowing capacity and establish its financing plan

Take stock of your borrowing capacity before purchasing. Calculate your personal contribution and determine the loan that suits you.

Pinel, a tax exemption system: manual

Pinel device allows you to invest in real estate, new or refurbished. What are the tax advantages and conditions to be met?

The victims of the attacks of 13 November

Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont exclusivement réservés au "Monde".
Cécile Martin, 33, # inMemory
Baptiste Chevreau. Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont exclusivement réservés au "Monde".
Baptiste Chevreau, 24, # inMemory
Emmanuel Bonnet. Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont exclusivement réservés au "Monde".
Emmanuel Bonnet, 47, # inMemory
Thibault Rousse Lacordaire. Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont exclusivement réservés au "Monde".
Thibault Rousse Lacordaire, 36, # inMemory
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The molds of the fair of Lille Known worldwide, the great fair of Lille hosts each year for several days, thousands of fans of traditional mussels and fries but the marinara mussels are also eaten throughout the year. Here they are served in pots of head ...
Béchamel sauce
Béchamel sauce
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Onion soup
Onion soup
Tasty and comforting. A classic economic kitchen!
The egg yolk and without mustard. For this demonstration, the eggs out of the ...
Crepes recipefor neutral pancakes! A pancake recipe for Candlemas ... and everything ...
Flemish stewor Flemish stew. Beef stew with beer. The stew is a dish ...
Gribiche sauceand tartar sauce Mayonnaise mounted yolks cooked eggs.
Jerusalem artichoke recipeA great tasting tuber artichoke. Jerusalem artichokes can be ...



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