Friday, April 22, 2016


Watch a Chef Make a Dish with a Poisonous Pufferfish

In order to serve fugu (pufferfish) in Japan, a chef needs to have a special license. That’s because fugu is poisonous and toxic and lethal. So why would someone eat something that could kill you? Because when prepared properly, it’s safe to eat and delicious. Watch chef Sasaki, a fugu specialist for over 45 years,…

How to Maybe Stop Procrastinating

Everybody procrastinates. Well, every sane person does. That’s because it’s nice to not think about what we have to do and it’s so much funner to just play video games and distract ourselves from reality. But then eventually we still have to do the thing we had to do and we now have less time to do the thing because…

Watch What Snake Venom Does to Human Blood

Blood isn’t supposed to plop out like a solid like that but that’s what happens when a snake’s hemotoxic venom gets mixed in with human blood, it thickens liquid blood into this congealed jelly substance. It’s pretty gross. But this is how a venomous snakebite affects the body of its prey, a lot of tiny blood clots…

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