Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Le Monde

Updated at 4:10

"Panama papers": the dubious contract signed by Gianni Infantino, the new head of FIFA  8

FIFA President Swiss Gianni Infantino attends a press confeence in Bogota on March 31, 2016. With the challenge of changing the image of FIFA, hit by a corruption scandal since last May its president Gianni Infantino close on Thursday in Colombia his South American tour, the first since he assumed in command of world governing body football, included Colombia, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay.     AFP PHOTO/Luis Acosta
While at UEFA, Mr. Infantino granted in 2006 TV rights of the Champions League to an offshore company, owned by businessmen currently charged.
Patrick Drahi, le 18 mars 2015 à Paris.

What the "Panama papers" tell us about Patrick Drahi and the Altice Group  6

Le premier ministre islandais, Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson, devant le parlement le 4 avril 2016.

"Panama papers": the first Icelandic minister forced to resign  19

View of a sign outside the building where Panama-based Mossack Fonseca law firm offices are in Panama City, on April 4, 2016. A massive leak -coming from Mossack Fonseca- of 11.5 million tax documents on Sunday exposed the secret offshore dealings of aides to Russian president Vladimir Putin, world leaders and celebrities including Barcelona forward Lionel Messi. An investigation into the documents by more than 100 media groups, described as one of the largest such probes in history, revealed the hidden offshore dealings in the assets of around 140 political figures -- including 12 current or former heads of states. AFP PHOTO/ Rodrigo ARANGUA

Balkany, Cahuzac, Guerin: "business" French through the Panama  60

L'AG de la 6e Nuit debout s'est poursuivie pendant plusieurs heures, après la nuit tombée, le 5 avril.

Night stand in Paris: "We continue to achieve something concrete"

For the 6th night of motion Republic Square, the crowd came greater. In the evening, demonstrators blocked the Boulevard Saint-Germain to demand the release of arrested students.
La dernière séquence des primaires a été particulièrement favorable à Bernie Sanders, qui a remporté six des sept dernières consultations depuis deux semaines

Primary: Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders prevail in Wisconsin

Among Democrats, Senator from Vermont defeated Hillary Clinton. Republican side, the ultra-conservative Ted Cruz ahead of Donald Trump.
Un parc national au Gabon, entre la foret tropicale, la savane et les plages, surveillé par un éco-garde

Half of World Heritage sites are threatened by industrial activities

According to a WWF report, 114 of the 229 natural and mixed sites classified by UNESCO are in jeopardy.
La journaliste Elise Lucet pose le 05 septembre 2011 à Paris, lors de la conférence de présentation des grilles de rentrée de la chaîne publique de télévision, France 2.  AFP PHOTO MICHEL GANGNE / AFP / MICHEL GANGNE

FTV: Elise Lucet charged rethink "Special Envoy" and "Supplementary investigation"  11

According to information of "World", the journalist will embody these two iconic magazines Thursday night.She did not present the "13 hours".
Des opposants à l'implantation d'un nouvel aéroport ont réalisé une chaîne humaine pour écrire "Aéroport Non !" dans un champ de Notre-Dame-des-Landes près de Nantes, où ce projet est à l'étude.

Airport Notre-Dame-des-Landes: referendum June 26 16

In Hungary, the "zero refugee" Viktor Orban  9

Lors d'une manifestation contre le président iranien Hassan Rohani, le 30 mars à Vienne, en Autriche. Au moins 977 personnes ont été exécutées en Iran en 2015.

Death penalty: executions have jumped more than 50% in 2015

Luis Suarez a marqué deux buts contre l'Atletico, mardi 5 avril en quarts de finale de la Ligue des champuons.

Champions League: Barcelona reverses Atletico, Bayern won against Benfica

Grafitis de soutien au gouvernement d'union à Tripoli le 4 avril : « Le peuple veut le gouvernement d'union nationale ».

Libya: Tripoli authorities cede power to the UN-backed government

A court sketch made on March 2, 2016 shows French armed robber Redoine Faid during his trial at the criminal court in Paris on March 2, 2016. Nine men including Redoine Faid are on trial for the death of Aurelie Fouquet, a French policewoman, killed during a robbery attempt followed by a deadly chase in 2010 in Villiers-sur-Marnes, near Paris.

Redoine Fai'd, "in light years" Fouquet trial

Des chauffeurs de taxi bloque la circulation à Toulouse le 4 avril.

Taxis leave for a third day of mobilization in Toulouse

(FILES) This file photo taken on May 21, 2015 shows Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Air France-KLM Alexandre de Juniac opening the general assembly of the company in Paris.  Alexandre de Juniac will resign from Air France-KLM to become director of IATA Association du transport aérien international (International Air Transport Association), the company announced on April 5, 2016.  / AFP / ERIC FEFERBERG

Alexandre Juniac will leave the presidency of Air France-KLM in July

(FILES) This file photo taken on December 31, 2015 shows people gathering in front of the main railway station in Cologne, western Germany. German authorities have brought the first sexual assault charge stemming from New Year's Eve mob violence in the western city of Cologne against an Algerian man, prosecutors said on March 24, 2016. - Germany OUT
 / AFP / dpa / Markus BOEHM

Assault Cologne: most suspects were Moroccan and Algerian  12

Abou Firas Al-Souri, aurait été tué alors qu’il était en réunion avec des djihadistes, selon l’Observatoire syrien des droits de l’homme.

Abu Firas Al-Souri, killed in Syria after forty years of jihad

Bulletins de vote dans une urne à Evry lors des élections régionales.

Presidential: MEPs adopt the reform of speaking time  12

Des migrants renvoyés de Grèce vers la Turquie

"Migrants shout" do not return it to Turkey! "» VIDEO

Le Sénat le 22 mars 2016.

Antiterrorism: the Senate overwhelmingly approved the penal reform project

The "jungle" of Calais in BD: Meet Mark, CRS, part OF POST BLOG

WhatsApp est une application de messagerie très populaire.

WhatsApp widespread encryption application

Sous la pression des ultraorthodoxes, le maire de Jérusalem a décidé début janvier de faire appliquer une loi de 1955 qui prévoit la fermeture des commerces juifs pendant shabbat.

Shabbat at two speeds in Jerusalem


  • 4:01Cruz and round up Sanders Wisconsin
  • 3:28Death penalty: rising executions
  • 2:56Night stand: mobilization in St-Germain
  • 2:37Protest boulevard Saint-Germain
  • At1:09the Republic, 6th "Night Stand"
  • 0:15US Primaries: Republican impasse
  • 0:07World Heritage: 114 endangered sites
  • 11:38 p.m.LoC: Barcelona reverses Atletico
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The newspaper dated April 6

Read Le Monde on web, iPad / iPhone, Android: Subscribe to € 1
Research :
  • Assistant Professor in European commercial law and comparedUNIVERSITY OF LUXEMBOURG
with La Centrale
FN, affaires politico-financières, Société générale et Islande : l'actu des "Panama papers"' du 5 avril.

"Panama papers," the recap, episode 3: FN, political and financial affairs, Societe Generale and Iceland

Every day, we summarize much of the new revelations and their consequences.
La Limited Liability Company (LLC) est une société de droit américain dont le concept a été créé en 1977 dans le Wyoming et s'est développé dans au moins dix-sept Etats des Etats-Unis.
Why are there so few Americans in the "Panama papers"?6
These intox who want to meet the "Panama papers"10
Les « Panama papers » montrent comment Frédéric Chatillon et Nicolas Crochet ont monté un circuit complexe de sociétés offshore pour sortir 316 000 euros de la société Riwal.
How close to Marine Le Pen took out money from France45
Jean-Marie Le Pen chante la Marseillaise, sous un parapluie tenu par Gérald Gérin,  à la fin d'un rassemblement du Front National devant l'Assemblée Nationale pour le rétablissement de la peine de mort pour les crimes les plus graves, à la suite des meurtres de deux enfants le 20 mai 2006
On the treasure trail of Jean-Marie Le Pen52
Malgré ses engagements à ne plus travailler avec les paradis fiscaux opaques, le groupe français est dans le « top 5 » des banques utilisant les services de la firme panaméenne.
"Panama papers": the 979 offshore companies created by the General Society  31
L'Assemblée nationale à Paris, mercredi 10 février 2016
Why are few French policies in the "Panama papers"  7
View of a sign outside the building where Panama-based Mossack Fonseca law firm offices are in Panama City, on April 4, 2016. A massive leak -coming from Mossack Fonseca- of 11.5 million tax documents on Sunday exposed the secret offshore dealings of aides to Russian president Vladimir Putin, world leaders and celebrities including Barcelona forward Lionel Messi. An investigation into the documents by more than 100 media groups, described as one of the largest such probes in history, revealed the hidden offshore dealings in the assets of around 140 political figures -- including 12 current or former heads of states. AFP PHOTO/ Rodrigo ARANGUA
Balkany, Cahuzac, Guerin: "business" French through the Panama  60
FIFA President Swiss Gianni Infantino attends a press confeence in Bogota on March 31, 2016. With the challenge of changing the image of FIFA, hit by a corruption scandal since last May its president Gianni Infantino close on Thursday in Colombia his South American tour, the first since he assumed in command of world governing body football, included Colombia, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay.     AFP PHOTO/Luis Acosta
"Panama papers": the dubious contract signed by Gianni Infantino, the new head of FIFA  8
Patrick Drahi, le 18 mars 2015 à Paris.
What the "Panama papers" tell us about Patrick Drahi and the Altice Group  6
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FN, affaires politico-financières, Société générale et Islande : l'actu des "Panama papers"' du 5 avril.

"Panama papers," the recap, episode 3: FN, political and financial affairs, Societe Generale and Iceland

Every day, we summarize much of the new revelations and their consequences.
Bienvenue dans le monde secret de l’offshore. Devenez star du football, femme politique ou businessman et frayez-vous un chemin dans cet univers parallèle pour cacher votre argent.
Stairway to heaven tax, gambling offshore DISPLAY DIALOGUE 15
Marine Le Pen a accusé mercredi son père de lui « nuire » par des « provocations grossières ».
Understand the case and that threatens the FN Marine Le Pen  16
On compte désormais onze candidats à la primaire à droite (dont dix déclarés).
Candidates for the primary right  7
Tout comprendre au système offshore mis au jour par les "Panama Papers".
"Panama papers": understanding the offshore system in 3 minutes VIDEO
FIFA President Swiss Gianni Infantino attends a press confeence in Bogota on March 31, 2016. With the challenge of changing the image of FIFA, hit by a corruption scandal since last May its president Gianni Infantino close on Thursday in Colombia his South American tour, the first since he assumed in command of world governing body football, included Colombia, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay.     AFP PHOTO/Luis Acosta
"Panama papers": the dubious contract signed by Gianni Infantino, the new head of FIFA  8
Patrick Drahi, le 18 mars 2015 à Paris.
What the "Panama papers" tell us about Patrick Drahi and the Altice Group  6
Panama City at dusk.
Tomorrow in the "Panama papers" anonymous, large fortunes and large French companies VIDEO
"Le Monde", en partenariat avec 109 médias étrangers et le Consortium international des journalistes d'investigation (ICIJ) a eu accès à une très grande masse d'informations inédites : 11 millions de fichiers provenant des archives du cabinet panaméen Mossack Fonseca, spécialiste de la domiciliation de sociétés offshore (Photo: Panama City, le 4 avril).
Debate: A tax evasion above the law?
L'Assemblée nationale à Paris, mercredi 10 février 2016
Why are few French policies in the "Panama papers"  7
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Panama City at dusk.
Tomorrow in the "Panama papers" anonymous, large fortunes and large French companies
"Panama Papers": Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, Prime Minister of Iceland.
Maintenance: the first Icelandic Minister confused about his links with an offshore company
"Panama Papers", the "black box" of tax havens
"Panama papers," a harsh light on the opacity of tax havens
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Gerard Pique et Neymar samedi 2 avril au Camp Nou.

Champions League: Barca-Atletico, another clasico

Barcelona faces Atletico Madrid in the quarterfinals of the Champions League. A style opposition recently again become a Spanish and European classic.
Lionel Messi lors de la cérémonie des Ballons d'or, le 11 janvier.
FIFA in the murky waters of offshore
Antonio Conte le 28 mars.
Match fixing: 6 months suspended sentence required against Antonio Conte
In Aquitaine, they spent the tray, surfing option BLOG POST
Karl Heinz Rummenigge souhaite mettre en place un nouveau format en Ligue des champions. En opposition avec les mesures prises par Platini.
Football: the last round of Platini, Rummenigge POST DUELING BLOG
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US elections
Donald Trump à West Allis dans le Wisconsin le 3 avril 2016.

Primary: the Trump case divided the Republican Party  5

Part of Republicans fiercely opposed to the candidacy of billionaire Donald Trump.
Le candidat républicain Donald Trump signe un autographe après un meeting au lycée Nathan Hale de West Allis (Wisconsin), samedi 3 avril.
American primary: Republican divisions persist
Calle Ocho Festival Sunday March 13, 2016. Hillary volunteers canvas for voters.
To counter Donald Trump, Latinos rally for Hillary Clinton
Republican presidential candidate, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, waves to his supporters as he arrives at a campaign stop at Waukesha County Exposition Center, Monday, April 4, 2016, in Waukesha, Wis. (AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh)
Primary: Trump and Clinton on the defensive in Wisconsin
La dernière séquence des primaires a été particulièrement favorable à Bernie Sanders, qui a remporté six des sept dernières consultations depuis deux semaines
Primary: Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders prevail in Wisconsin


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Each week, find the essential news "techno" by signing up for the newsletter Pixels.

Dive into the world of "overclockers", IT extreme

Old gamers, engineering students, their passion - their "profession for some - is to mount the tachometer of computer components to unsuspected levels.
Visuel promotionnel pour Fragments.
In the factory of video games for augmented reality glasses
Twitter et Facebook utilisent deux techniques différentes pour faciliter la lecture des images aux utilisateurs aveugles et malvoyants.
Facebook and Twitter simplify access to images for the blind and visually impaired
WhatsApp est une application de messagerie très populaire.
WhatsApp widespread encryption application
Superbowl à Santa Clara.
Twitter wins the right to broadcast online NFL games
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large Formats

Verviers, stem cell bombings of Paris and Brussels
Qin LIU ou Qiong LIU et sa fille Ting DING, Province de Guizhou, district de Nayong, ville de Bijie, Chine. 
9 décembre 2015
In China, the land of abandoned children
Une salle de cinéma à Alger.
The revival of Algerian cinema
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In a group sites Worldwide

  • Panama Papers. Iceland's Prime Minister resigns
  • Panama Papers.More than 500 banks involved: "They have their share of responsibility"
  • Panama Papers.But when Americans are?
  • "The Panama Papers are only the tip of the iceberg"
  • "Father Preynat destroyed my family"
  • Brazil: When the street splits and boos corruption
  • Cash on Panama Investigation Papers: Michel Sapin favorable to the payment of informers in cases "precise"
  • "The Walking Dead" Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16): Who died in the final episode?[SPOILER WARNING]
  • Martin Weill and his team from the "Petit Journal" arrested in Morocco


Les « Panama papers » montrent comment Frédéric Chatillon et Nicolas Crochet ont monté un circuit complexe de sociétés offshore pour sortir 316 000 euros de la société Riwal.

How close to Marine Le Pen took out money from France  45

The "Panama papers' show how Frédéric Chatillon and Nicolas hook mounted a complex circuit of offshore companies out EUR 316 000 of the company Riwal.
François Hollande, le 4 avril, à l'Elysée.
François Hollande is it masochistic?  19
Manifestation contre la loi travail le 5 avril à Paris.
Live: 130 arrests on the sidelines of the demonstration in Paris against the LIVE labor law
Le 4 avril, place de la République à Paris, dans le cadre du rassemblement Nuit Debout.
The "night stand" continues to gather Republic Square in Paris  12
Daniel Cohn-Bendit à Paris le 3 février 2016.
Daniel Cohn-Bendit: 'primary left is no longer possible "  71
Night stand: Night event boulevard Saint-Germain, Paris
In Paris, the Boulevard Saint-Germain blocked at night by protesters
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The victims of the attacks of 13 November

Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont exclusivement réservés au "Monde".
Cécile Martin, 33, # inMemory
Baptiste Chevreau. Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont exclusivement réservés au "Monde".
Baptiste Chevreau, 24, # inMemory
Emmanuel Bonnet. Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont exclusivement réservés au "Monde".
Emmanuel Bonnet, 47, # inMemory
Thibault Rousse Lacordaire. Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont exclusivement réservés au "Monde".
Thibault Rousse Lacordaire, 36, # inMemory
Claire Maitrot-Tapprest. Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont réservés exclusivement au "Monde".
Claire Maitrot-Tapprest, 23 # inMemory
Thomas Ayad. Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont exclusivement réservés au "Monde".
Thomas Ayad, 32, # inMemory
Find all the portraits in our Memorial


Kenya's Deputy President William Ruto speaks with his defense counsel Karim Khan (L) before the start of his trial at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague on September 10, 2013. Ruto appeared at the International Criminal Court on Tuesday for the opening of his trial on charges of co-orchestrating a post-election bloodbath five years ago. Ruto and his co-accused, the broadcaster Joshua arap Sang, could face long prison terms if convicted. AFP PHOTO/pool/Michael Kooren  / AFP / POOL / MICHAEL KOOREN

Indicted for crimes against humanity, William Ruto gets a dismissal before the ICC

The Kenyan vice president was on trial for crimes committed in the country in late 2007 and early 2008. The violence had 1100 dead.
Un triporteur de la marque d'e-commerce nigériane Jumia à Lagos, en juin 2013.
Orange is investing 75 million euros in e-commerce in Africa
Grafitis de soutien au gouvernement d'union à Tripoli le 4 avril : « Le peuple veut le gouvernement d'union nationale ».
Libya: Tripoli authorities cede power to the UN-backed government
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Manifestation contre la loi travail le 5 avril à Paris.

Live: 130 arrests on the sidelines of the demonstration in Paris against the LIVE labor law

Clashes with police took place at the event, which brings together between 3200 and 3400 people in Paris, police said.
Night stand: Night event boulevard Saint-Germain, Paris
Mardi 5 avril, lycéens et étudiants se sont à nouveau donné rendez-vous dans la rue
Labour law: in Paris, tear gas, arrests and cheerful
Un manifestant, le 5 avril à Toulouse.
In Toulouse, for students' charge, is dreaming serious "
Optimisez vos révisions en sachant combien pèsera chacune des matières dans la note finale du baccalauréat 2016, série scientifique. AFP PHOTO / FRED DUFOUR
Bac S 2016: coefficients, subject by subject
Des jeunes rassemblés place de la Nation avant le défilé qui part de la Bastille, mardi 5 avril.
Law work: smaller but mobilizing power  9
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M mag

Cœur de cette partie de la ville, le parc de Chapultepec ouvre sur le Musée national d'anthropologie.

Polanco, Mexico concentrate

Tourists tend to neglect it. Yet behind the luxury shops and major hotels, the upscale neighborhood of Mexico City lies a unique profusion museums and history.
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  • PERSPECTIVEDebate: A tax evasion above the law?
    The global survey of "Panamas papers" which reveals how heads of state, celebrities and anonymous have used offshore arrangements to conceal their assets, revived the debate on tax havens.
  • VIEWPOINTIs the fundamentalist fashion?
    Will it unworthy that the veil symbolizes the oppression of women? But who are we to judge? Are we not surrounded by advertisements objectifying the female body? Asks the philosopher Wilhelm von der Weid
  • VIEWPOINTA Tikrit as Palmyra how the Iraqi and Syrian States have used military operations
    Arab regimes play our fears leaving extend the organization Islamic state over vast areas, insecure population and heritage. Endangered, they retire and create a threat: the heritage in danger of disappearing, writes Matthew Rey, lecturer at the College de France
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Manifestation intersyndicale à Paris, le 31 mars 2016.

Draft law work: what MPs could change  7

The Social Affairs Committee of the National Assembly began Tuesday examining the text. The same day, a new day of mobilization against the planned reform is the call of the youth organizations, which will be received Wednesday by several ministers.
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Money & Investing

Si vous versez 1 000 euros sur le fonds en euros d’une assurance-vie chargée à 2 % – ce qui est une moyenne basse –, il faudra attendre la deuxième année pour commencer à gagner de l’argent.

Investments: the hunt for fresh open

Because of low yields, the fees charged on savings products weigh proportionally more heavy. It is crucial to monitor the costs of various contracts.
DEMYSTIFYING FINANCEStudents: no mistake of war.
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chef Simon



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