Saturday, April 23, 2016

Grist Environmental News

Recent Posts


Look, bros — we’re as fed up with male birth control options as you are

And yes, we’re still fed up with the state of abortion access, too.

Cheer up! There’s good news to celebrate on Earth Day too

Celebrate clean energy booms, the Paris climate accord, and more.

It’s Earth Day. Time to buy a bunch of junk.

A sampling of ridiculous subject lines from green marketers.

These Audubon photo winners show birds in all their strangeness and splendor

What are you looking at, snowy plover?

San Francisco mandates solar panels on new buildings

The city took one more step toward a shift to 100 percent renewables by 2025.

Watch the whole life story of a single uneaten strawberry

When it comes to food waste, we’re not doing a berry good job.

A top climate negotiator isn’t stressing out over the future of the Paris agreement

Grist catches up with Todd Stern about why he doesn't wonder, “Oh my God, what if.”

The forecast today doesn’t prove or disprove climate change. Here’s why.

We've put together a tiny tutorial on the difference between climate and weather, just for you!

Rapper Common releases new song to make a case for Flint aid

The video asks viewers to sign a petition to compensate victims of the lead crisis.

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A cure for herring loss: We’re here to teach you to love this sustainable fish

Herring fisheries are in a pickle. The way out is, well, pickled herring.

Can you grow pot with LED lights?

With recent reports emphasizing the energy-sucking nature of the weed industry, a reader from Michigan wonders if LEDs could save the day.

Why anti-nuclear enviros just aren’t the same as climate deniers

A New York Times columnist says that if you don't want to build new nuclear plants, you're as big a problem as climate science deniers. He is wrong.

Senate Republicans use Palestine as an excuse not to fund climate agency

Several senators want to cut U.N. climate funding because they object to the U.N. treating Palestine as a state.

Senate passes energy modernization bill that would have been modern in 1980

A bipartisan energy bill? Enviros react with a resounding “meh.”

You can wave goodbye to this global warming goal

The average global temperature change for the first three months of 2016 was 1.48 degrees C, analysis shows.

E.U. weakened climate proposals after BP threatened oil company exodus

The oil giant warned it would pull out of E.U. if proposals to cut pollution and speed up clean energy were passed.

Why we almost always underestimate the size of oil spills

First, it's difficult. Second, it's in oil companies' best interests to downplay spill size.

Officials face criminal charges for the first time in Flint water crisis

Almost two years to the date after the water crisis began, Flint officials face felonies.

Store-bought weed brownies? What a time to be alive!

Watch us visit two Seattle edibles manufacturers, Zoots and the Goodship, to learn how the weed batter gets made.

The crazy, complicated world of “organic” weed

Meet the man who does organic bud inspections.

Extreme heat? Check. Ice loss? Check. Any other records we can shatter?

The world really is running out of new climate extremes.

Can we actually make a difference by changing the way we eat?

Moving toward plant-based diets can make a big difference, but we'll have to reduce food waste, and increase yields too.

Soy boom threatens Brazil’s climate goals

The nation's expanding agriculture industry could derail its environmental commitments.

This week’s deadly flooding in Houston is just the beginning

The fourth-largest city in America is woefully unprepared for natural disasters — and the "perfect storm” is likely just around the corner.

The EPA met its match: Amateur race car drivers

Republicans and amateur race car drivers teamed up against the EPA — and won.

Michigan governor attacks PR crisis by drinking Flint water for a month

But he’s only drinking from Flint's tap selectively.

The incredible history of fossil-fuel beauty pageants

From Appalachia to the Badlands, communities that owe their existence to coal, gas, and oil honor that legacy with beauty pageants.

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