Friday, April 29, 2016

Buenos Aires Herald

President Macri faces the largest public demonstration by workers against his administration so far, with thousands belonging to the five most important umbrella unions in the country set to stage protests in opposition to the government’s labour policies.
Hugo Moyano, the secretary general of one of the three splinters of the CGT union, said President Mauricio Macri is “against workers” as he warned “time is up”, accusing the government of failing to meet demands by the labour movement.
By Ignacio Portes
The Central Bank is quetly ditching Finance Minister Alfonso Prat-Gay’s 20-to-25 percent yearly inflation target for 2016, it seems. The monetary authority’s chief Federico Sturzenegger argued inflation targets will be established in September and only expressed confidence about reaching Prat-Gay’s goals in 2017.

Hotels run by the Kirchners

Ercolini to preside over Hotesur probe

In a disented ruling issued, a federal court appointed Federal Judge Julián Ercolini to preside over the so-called “Hotesur case,” an investigation into whether former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and her family laundered money by booking out rooms in their Alto Calafate hotel.
The Buenos Aires City Federal Court dismissed a request to remove Federal Judge Claudio Bonadío from an investigation over future dollars contracts after he summoned former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner earlier this month.

Let’s Change lawmakers use technicality

Brazil ‘coup’ talk quickly halted

The US dollar was trading unchanged at 14.51 pesos in Buenos Aires City banks and foreign exchange offices, á reported.
Argentineans are most worried about inflation and unemployment, a report by the D’Alessio IROL and Berenzstein private consulting agencies have showed.
The potential impeachment of Brazil President Dilma Rousseff has divided the continent’s leaders — and the government here seems keen not to take a clear position on the issue.
• Dilma vows to survive ‘illegitimate’ process
Argentine Nobel Peace Prize winner and human rights activist Adolfo Pérez Esquivel met with Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff to express his solidarity and called the impeachment process against her an example of a “soft coup.”
Brazilian prosecutors charged political strategist João Santana, the architect of President Dilma Rousseff’s 2010 and 2014 election victories, and 16 others with corruption as part of a massive graft investigation.
European equities were falling sharply and headed for their biggest weekly decline in one month, with the travel and leisure stocks leading the market lower after updates from British Airways-owner IAG and Restaurant Group.

Soccer — Europa League

Villarreal seizes late advantage

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Director: Orlando Mario Vignatti - Edition No. 4834 - This publication is a property of NEFIR S.A. -RNPI Nº 5236549 - Issn 1852 - 9224 - 
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