Saturday, April 23, 2016

Buenos Aires Herald

April 23, 2016
New York judge ‘vacates injunctions in all cases’ as financial ordeal comes to an end
Following a US$16.5 debt issuance, Argentina paid US$9.3 billion yesterday to a group of creditors who had refused debt restructurings after the country’s 2002 default, closing the book on five years of messy litigation as President Mauricio Macri embraces global financial markets.
Clarín Group’s cable television provider Cablevisión is not giving up its battle to remove Córdoba-based news channel Cba24n from its cable grid. According to Córdoba’s La Mañana newspaper, the cable giant requested the Córdoba Federal Appeals Court drop a resolution ordering the company to include Cba24n — a channel run by Córdoba National University (UNC) — as one of those signals that must be offered to subscribers. The dispute is part of a long-running conflict.  The move by Cablevisión’s lawyers was made after a DNU emergency decree signed by President Mauricio Macri that exempted cable television firms from following some of the dictates of the Broadcast Media Law.
NEW YORK — Hotels are getting more aggressive in their fight to get travelers to book reservations directly with them instead of through online travel agencies such as Expedia and Priceline.
Since the “unforgettable” moment when then Cabinet Chief Jorge Capitanich tore his morning copy of Clarín to pieces in the noses of journalists attending a press conference in Government House over a year ago, there had not been real media “analysis” by the political elite. Until Cristina Kirchner came back to town.  
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff greets the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, second from right, and French President François Hollande, second from left, during the Paris Agreement on climate change ceremony at UN headquarters yesterday. The agreement was signed by 175 nations. Rousseff, who is facing an impeachment proceeding in the Brazilian Senate, said after the UN gathering that Brazil should be suspended from the Mercosur trade bloc if the “coup” against her triumphs.
President Mauricio Macri came out swinging yesterday, challenging opposition-sponsored proposed legislation that would declare a “labour emergency” and double the normal amount of compensation for employees who are laid off, as he sought to delegitimize the initiative before it builds any more momentum.
Investigators yesterday arrested and questioned several suspects tied to the deadly drug overdose that killed five youngsters in the Time Warp music festival that took place at the Costa Salguero complex over the weekend.
Investors who bought into Argentina’s bond sale on Tuesday already made a profit of almost US$600 million, the Bloomberg news agency reported yesterday, as the value of the bonds soared in secondary markets.

Ex-president wraps up BA political tour

Only 22 out of 39 senators show up for CFK meeting

Former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner wrapped up her political comba of Buenos Aires with a meeting with a divided Victory Front (FpV) Senate caucus, of which just over half made an appearance at her new headquarters only a few blocks from Congress.
At least seven people believed to be members of the same family were found shot to death execution-style in three homes in Pike County, Ohio, on Friday and an eighth body was discovered nearby, the Ohio Attorney General's office said.

Indec-approved san luis inflation reaches 10% in three months

Consumer confidence plunges 18%

Following massive layoffs and rising inflation figures, consumers’ trust in the country’s economy sharply dropped by 18.3 percent in April compared to the same month last year, according to the Consumer Trust Index by the Torcuato Di Tella University.

falls by 9.4 percent in march

Electricity consumption plunges

The hike in utility rates seems to have caused one of the effects that the Energy Ministry was after — reducing electricity consumption.
Beleaguered Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff has changed her plans and will attend a UN event tomorrow in New York to make her case against an impeachment process that could remove her from office within weeks, her office said yesterday.
After campaigning for election with strong rhetoric and promises to fight narco-traffickers in all corners of the country, the government sought to show off a softer side yesterday at the United Nations, speaking up for human rights and focusing debate on the victims of the war on drugs.

president says int’l bond issue eyed for major reconstruction

Ecuador quake deaths hit 525, as tremor strikes

The government’s relationship with some of the most influential players in global finance drew attention yesterday, after a gushing profile written by “vulture” fund boss Paul Singer praising President Mauricio Macri was published.
The sudden death of music legend Prince sent shockwaves through social media on Thursday, as masses of Twitter users flooded the site to express their heart-felt emotions.

Coaches go, but Gallardo stays

Eric Weil / Sportsworld

Coaches go, but Gallardo stays

Rose garden or primrose path?

Michael Soltys / Herald Staff

Rose garden or primrose path?

Put the blame on Mauricio

James Neilson / As I See it

Put the blame on Mauricio

• World Trade

Fears over soy quality grow after floods

• On Sunday

Censor or die

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Director: Orlando Mario Vignatti - Edition No. 4828 - This publication is a property of NEFIR S.A. -RNPI Nº 5236549 - Issn 1852 - 9224 - 
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