Saturday, March 26, 2016

Warsaw Voice

The Warsaw Voice

I am not trying to frighten anyone, because life itself is scary enough and so are phenomena that we’re losing control of. The processes (of Islamization of some European countries) are driven by the tremendously expansive Islamic ideology. We are unable to resist...., says Marek Orzechowski, 
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Mercure - The 6 Friends Theory - Casting call
Interior Minister Mariusz Błaszczak and special services coordinator Mariusz Kaminski
March 25, 2016
Poland's Internal Ministry Thursday presented a draft anti-terrorism bill on Thursday, as works on the bill were sped up after this week's terrorist attacks in Brussels.
February 17, 2016
I am not trying to frighten anyone, because life itself is scary enough and so are phenomena that we’re losing control of. T...
February 17, 2016
In December 2015, the Bank of England joined the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB), a key body that sets standards for Islam...
February 17, 2016
A seminar focusing on the intricacies of Islamic finance was held in Warsaw Feb. 9. It discussed some new trends in the European f...
February 17, 2016
Łukasz Rozbicki, an analyst with investment fund company MM Prime TFI SA, talks to Andrzej Ratajczyk....
February 17, 2016
Polish government officials and most economists were flabbergasted when rating agency Standard & Poor’s unexpectedly cut Pol...
February 17, 2016
A group of women in the central city of Łódź are raising funds for charity by selling memorabilia signed by celebrities. While hel...
February 17, 2016
Three special piano concerts will be held in Warsaw and nearby Żelazowa Wola in March to mark the 206th anniversary of the birth o...
February 17, 2016
A spectacular exhibition outside Warsaw’s National Stadium takes you 250 million years back to a world populated by awe-insp...
February 17, 2016
Impressive scale models of vehicles and buildings, combined with programmable toy robots and real-life and fantasy scenes created ...
December 13, 2015
Following a policy speech by Prime Minister Beata Szydło, the new majority government of the Law and Justice (PiS) party won a vot...
December 13, 2015
The recent media frenzy over a mysterious Nazi train rumored to be loaded with valuables and hidden in an underground tunnel in th...
December 13, 2015
Colette Taquet, Ambassador of Belgium to Poland, talks to Ewa Hancock....
Poland had its long term issuer rating confirmed at 'A' with outlook stable by the Japan Credit Rating Agency, JCR said in a press...
Poland's toys exports reached a record level of PLN 4.6 billion in 2015 on a robust growth of 59% year on year, Central Statistics...
Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydlo said Wednesday that Poland cannot take any migrants under the EU relocation program following t...
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