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Those who help you now need your help! NY State Governor was ready to restore line of duty disability for Cops & Firemen if they were to be injured while answering the call for duty; but, NYC blocked the bill using a 'Home Rule'. Ultimately, they used this block to their advantage, so they could use it against NYC's Bravest & Finest when they negotiate for fair raises. This is completely unfair and sneaky. As of now, if you graduate the fire or police academy and you suffer a...
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NYC council woman Melissa Mark-Viverito is actively blocking legislation that is waiting to be signed by the state. This legislation when passed will restore…
Lawrence Kreger
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Kurt Von Dietsch I thought their support to change its was part of the contract with the firefighters
NYC Fire Wire Yes. The contract hasn't been voted on yet. Why accept a 'Handshake' when the Governor already said it's good to go. It shouldn't have been blocked in the 1st place.
Edward Maguire Union hating democrats at it again .
Queens **99-22-9154**2nd Alarm** 108-43 67 Dr. 2nd alarm on arrival for a fully involved house under construction.
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Lawrence Kreger
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Dan Richard That's, what, the 5th one in that neighborhood this week? Wtf is going on? The marshals better catch this guy, whoever he is.
LikeReply19 mins
Chris Mazziotti Wow another one
LikeReply5 mins
Rest in Peace Lt Doody. What a horrible thing... http://www.nj.com/…/colts_neck_man_beat_retired_fdny_firefi…
Conrad Sipa, 52, was charged with murder and possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose, Ocean County Prosecutor Joseph D. Coronato and Long…
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Lawrence Kreger
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LikeReply19 mins
Brooklyn **77-22-1457***2nd Alarm***260 45th Street Between 2nd Avenue and 3rd Avenue Battalion 40 transmitting the 2nd alarm for heavy fire in a private dwelling on the Basement, first and second floors
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Lawrence Kreger
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Dennis O'Berg Should be E228,201,241& L114,109, R2 on the 10-75with L 148 fast.
LikeReply6 hrs
James Deloughery Be Careful Brother.
LikeReply6 hrs
Brooklyn *75-1457* 260 45th Street Between 2nd Avenue and 3rd Avenue Battalion 40 transmitting the all hands and requesting an additional engine and truck for fire in a dwelling
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Lawrence Kreger
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John Zylinski Go get it brothers. Stay safe
LikeReply7 hrs
Staten Island *88-75-4516* 158 Butler Ave. House fire. E-151/TL-76 1st due
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Lawrence Kreger
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NYC Fire Wire No chiefs in, E-168 is using All Hands, room and contents
LikeReply27 hrs
*Queens 10-75* Box 8662 161-11 119 Ave E302 transmitting a 10-75 for a fire in a private dwelling. The Vipers Nest E302/TL155 1st Due!
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Lawrence Kreger
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NYC Fire Wire BC54 Using All Hands has 2 Lines Stretched 2 in operation all visable fire knocked down and has a positive water source and fire is doubful
LikeReply17 hrs
NYC Fire Wire Fire in the Basement of a 1 Story P/D. 10-70 (Water Relay Required)Transmitted by E302. TL158 designated as FAST TRUCK
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Queens **99-22-7467**2nd Alarm** 31-14 35 St. Astoria Section of Queens
Lawrence Kreger
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Kathy Burns Hope everyone is safe!!!
LikeReply5 hrs
Lisa Eugene So sad, praying for the Family's.
LikeReply5 hrs
Patrick Hardison visited my house before returning home after the 1st medical miracle of its kind. Patrick, 41, is a volunteer firefighter in Mississippi and was severely burned in a