Monday, September 28, 2015

Spanish Seeking Damages from Le Monde over Football Article


Spanish authorities seeking €1m damages from Le Monde

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Spanish authorities seeking €1m damages from Le Monde
Spanish Sports Council (CSD) president Miguel Cardenal and Spanish Basketball Association (FED) president José Luis Sáez have announced that the organisations have launched legal action over a controversial article written by blogger Clément Guillou for Le Monde, which cast aspersions on Pau Gasol's performances at the recent EuroBasket.
The lawsuit highlights the harm caused to the reputation of Spanish sport in general and that of the Spanish basketball team in particular by the suggestion that Gasol had been doping. It argues that both Guillou and Le Monde should be made to pay the price.
The CSD and FED are demanding the following measures by way of redress: the deletion of the article in question from Le Monde's online edition; the publication of the full text of any legal ruling on the matter in the newspaper's various editions, with the same amount of publicity as was given to the original article, and one million euros in damages.
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