Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Die Zeit- "The Festival of Racism"

Pegida:The festival of racism

Pegida has on Monday evening on the road brought as not long so many people. Arson attacks out right rampage ago: The organizers put on escalation.
Unterstützer der Pegida-Bewegung in Dresden
Supporters of Pegida movement in Dresden © Sean Gallup / Getty Images
Man complains rightly on the friend-enemy thinking, but who belongs to the friends of people living with the friend-enemy thinking, of course, it has quite enjoyable. More specifically it has been described as hostile and unforgiving Pegida with Muslims, politicians, counter-demonstrators and ever all bypasses, who do not think like them. But who is this Monday near the stage for half an hour before the start of the demonstrations, who sees the other side: Pegida from the inside. Since geklapst and hugged, pounded on his back and pulled his ears: "Jürgen, my friend Nice, dassde're there.." Lutz Bachmann also kisses a wheelchair user and distributed kumpelnde handshakes. It's like at Easter in the clubhouse.
Only demonstrate a couple of times and then Pegida will celebrate its first birthday. It is already out of the handful Pöbler who first met in October 2014 to protest against Muslims, has become one of the most successful political movements of recent years. This Monday, the festival of rage has brought back to the 10,000 people on the street.
That's also why noteworthy because the Germans Pegida yes missed not only a slap in the face, but have almost beaten up. The wave of solidarity that experience the refugees, is not only a reaction to the burning refugee homes. Nor is it to be understood without Pegida who scratched week anew unconcerned am tolerant German self-image.
This summer has taken its most important argument Pegida: namely, that they speak for the majority of Germans. Since not only the tens of thousands were volunteers, as well as the surveys and, not least, unambiguous statements of celebrities who had to make it clear to the latter that he must choose between Pegida and social center were.
And yet they are all come back. Bannewitz, Lichtenau, Elsterwerda and Roßwein have packed their signs. As on a brigade outing are mostly older men and their wives happy together and take pictures of the funniest banners ("Look, 'closing with supervised Think!'"). So cheerful, the mood, it could now also next, say, Achim Menzel take the stage in front of the Zwinger. 

The crowd screams: "Merkel has to go"

But instead comes Lutz Bachmann, reads as always, the police regulations and goes directly into a tirade against the totalitarian Federal Republic, in which everyone was threatened with a free opinion of arrest. He asks a few resignations and announces great revelations from the Department of Defense to. Then he assumed Muslim refugees lack hygiene and violence and ultimately mocks Ursula von der Leyen's dissertation. The audience screams in a moment full of rage "Merkel has to go" and "resistance". In the next, it breaks out into peals of laughter.
Bachmann seems to know each offense, the asylum seekers have committed in the area in recent weeks. Not a word, but he responds to that of which the rest of Germany for weeks said the arson attacks and even more the extreme right-wing rampage in Saxony, among others in his hometown of Freital. One has to be a left conspiracy theorist to accept that some in the audience are from those who rioted in Heidenau and Freital. And it was also the Dresden festival racism, which gave them the feeling that they act in the interests of the majority.
Bachmann and Pegida organizers should prepare morally no great problems. But how do you deal with thousands, tens of thousands, for week come the week to meet acquaintances, to laugh a little, and who want to experience especially this uplifting feeling of collective Wutausbruchs?
But what happened in the days before the demo is troubling. An excerpt: Syrian asylum seekers were attacked with tear gas. Two journalists were assaulted during the demonstration. A day earlier, was Eric Hattke, spokesman for the Alliance Dresden for all threatened by telephone and anonymous. 

Lutz Bachmann gives people what they want

It escalated in Saxony. Bachmann and his people have apparently nevertheless decided to give the people what they want. The speaker Tatjana Festerling campaigned against the "Geburtendschihad" and "Muslim catapults". Another, the right-wing populist Swiss Ignaz Bearth, accosted to "pack", "parasites" and "damn Islamists" who understand only the language of rubber bullets. "Europe is at war against the bondage of tyranny," he shouts from the stage, and the audience cheer.
Finally, they run a few hundred meters through the city center, and it is just about the slogan "Who does not love Germany, Germany to leave" to let sink in properly. And then there is the roadside a small, perhaps five year-old girl by the hand of his mother and cries happily: "We are the people". And after having let himself celebrate it, she looks back, along the never-ending march and says, "Mommy, there still come across many that sounds not at.."
And the men and women laughing and waving and disappear in the direction of Bannewitz, Lichtenau, Elsterwerda and Roßwein. Places from which you will perhaps hear back soon. 
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Participants of Islamophobic Pegida movement during the rally on the Neumarkt in Dresden

Dresdenattacks on journalists in Pegida rally


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