Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Die Welt- Migrant Influx Going Out of Control for Germany?




"We give too much discount off our values"

Because violence in asylum homes warns CDU presidium member Spahn against false tolerance: Every refugee has to pay German principles. A confiscation of used homes not up for debate.
Die Welt: Mr. Spahn, what is the mood in your constituency to the refugee situation?
Jens Spahn: There is an enormous willingness to help and a lot of donations.THW, Red Cross, the mayor and the district administrators make almost superhuman.When noon announces a call that evening three buses with refugees coming, which is organized. But about this state of emergency hovers the question: How long will the influx of refugees is still so on?
Die Welt: What do you say then?
Spahn: that we not only acutely concerned with the use force by more cots and Dixie-Klos, but that we must be masters of the situation again by ordering measures and combating the causes of flight. We have the toughest interventions in the last week of asylum for 20 years agreed.Where shorter asylum procedures to leave obligation of candidates lead, there is the future for these persons no longer asylum seeker services. This is a hard but honest message. In the next step we have to answer the question of what we can do to Syria to assist neighbors and better help on the spot.
The World: My constituency is the Münsterland, a classic CDU constituency.Are your satisfied with voters there such prospects? Or they say that we need more help here and now?
Spahn: The people want the rule of law works. Required to leave must leave. The concept of centralized reception facilities, in which the most likely unsuccessful asylum applications are examined and decided by people from safe countries of origin on the ground and where there is less money and more benefits in kind, must be implemented in all provinces. Only then will we send the signal to the Balkans that it is not even worth it, to make their way.
For the Greens, the realization is dawning that we must distinguish between acute needy refugees and poverty emigrants
Die Welt: You expect that the asylum package actually goes through the Bundesrat, in which the grand coalition has no majority?
Spahn: After the joint decision of the Chancellor with the prime ministers of all the provinces in the refugee summit on Thursday and the positive commitment of the Hessian countryside on weekends, I assume. Many Green, carrying concrete government responsibility in the cities and countries have undergone a kind of reality shock on this issue and are now pleasant pragmatically to these questions zoom.
Die Welt: You have consciously good relations with the countryside. Think only the officials now pragmatic, or changing the whole party?
Spahn: CDU and the Greens have to give up some traditional beliefs respectively. For the Greens, the realization is dawning that we must distinguish between acute needy refugees and emigrants poverty. The country with the highest benefits in the world can not absorb unlimited amounts of each.
That's harsh, but true. And we as a CDU want to avoid old mistakes and with those who are likely to stay longer set, from the first day on integration - faster work opportunities, language courses, but also a clear message about our state and system of values. Forcing crises to rethink.
The World: Your colleague in the CDU presidium Julia Klöckner calls after an incident with an imam who did not want to shake hands with her, an Integration Act. They also?
Spahn: It is unacceptable if anyone for religious reasons women are not the hand, regardless of whether Imam or an Orthodox Jew. The serious debate about what principles wear our German society and what values ​​we want to represent in an inclusive society as a leitmotif, we should finally lead beyond ephemeral headlines.
We need a consensus that for us some essential rules applicable to all - the rule of law, the separation of state and religion, freedom of religion and expression, equality between men and women, our special relationship with Israel. It is these principles that make Germany and Europe so as attractive and successful. We should give every refugee politely but firmly from day one.
Die Welt: But for that you need but not a new self-confidence. In the Geneva Convention, Article 2, is: Refugees must respect the laws of the host country.
Spahn: You have to then enforce.
Die Welt: Why have not done?
Spahn: We still give too much discount off our values, because there is then the reassuring reference to another tradition or culture. There is a kind of trade-off, especially in the countryside, where some tangled between full understanding multiculturalism and the emancipation of women. In Germany, one must make jokes about Catholics and the Koran, women are entitled to decide whether and whom to marry her himself, and gay men kiss each other on the street.
Since there are to make no compromise, otherwise it is arbitrary. With social alone we will not provide because it needs clear rules from the outset. And such clarity compared to newcomers, we do not trust us so far unfortunately.
The world: Those who stay have to be integrated. Is it the will exist?
Spahn: In addition to the agreement on essential values ​​it needs an economic policy debate. Who work is integrated faster.Among the hundreds of thousands who are new to the labor market, but not only are doctors or engineers.
The World: And that is?
Spahn: We have to be even more flexible.What's going on in the building rights, must also work in other areas with too much bureaucracy.
The world: the minimum wage?
Spahn: It is a good sign that we have opened the agency for refugees in the consensus of federal and state governments. According to the coalition agreement we will soon talk about temporary work and work contracts. Since we need to simplify regulations. Because we should not delude ourselves, hundreds of thousands, the new seek low-skilled on the labor market, which brings pressure, especially in the service sector. As yet many will come under scrutiny.You may also receive the minimum wage.
Die Welt: Is to do that with the SPD?
Spahn: First it comes not to regulate the market even further. The agency, for example, we need flexibility as it is. Even with the pension, we must become more flexible. Now would be a good time for Flexi-pension.
The World: So no reversal of coalition decisions?
Spahn: Some debates take time. The CDU has long resisted faster job opportunities for refugees, the SPD and Greens wanted always. We have now changed our position. But that has consequences, in 2016 the number of unemployed will rise for the first time in years, because recognized refugees are covered by the statistics.
In this situation, we need to talk about a new impetus to the economy and refrain from any further strain on the labor market the fingers. Germany needs more than ever economic growth to cope with the new situation.
Among those who are likely to remain for a long time, many young men. You need a perspective, otherwise there is frustration quickly
The World: The chairman of the Young Socialists but calls for tax increases. The Co-parliamentary leader of the Greens in the Bundestag, Katrin Göring-Eckardt wants, industry and traders participate by a Fund to the refugee costs. That's the opposite of avoided stress.
Spahn: The fact remains: We definitely want no new taxes, that would be a fatal signal, for the economy and for the acceptance of refugees. But the idea to take the economy in responsibility is correct. It must not happen that the company pick out the ten best qualified percent of the refugees and to leave the care of the other 90 percent of the company.
The economy is in the obligation to give the many young people who will stay as recognized refugees with us, opportunities for internships, qualification and integration - first initiatives there are already. And the policy ensures the necessary room for maneuver - no new taxes.
The world: no other country that receives Syria refugees: We do the same revamp its labor market. We treat refugees as immigrants, not as refugees. But why?
Spahn: Among those who are likely to remain for a long time, many young men.You need a perspective, otherwise there is frustration quickly. And as an economic engine of Europe, we need manpower in all areas, not just academics.It must be clear to all: who exerts himself, with us has opportunities. Of course there will be some disappointments. But if we do it right, it is also a great opportunity.
Konferenz der Länder mit Merkel zur Flüchtlingskrise
The federal government increased to
Countries get 670 euros per refugee per month
The World: The Interior Minister has said on television that the situation is only getting out of control, when we recorded the Budapest refugees. That was Angela Merkel's decision. The Minister shoved the day after the sentence after the loss of control was indeed intentional. Do you really believe that?
Spahn: Do I believe what really?
The World: Thomas de Maizière noting the loss of control was intended. Do you think he has willed it?
Spahn: The exceptional decision to host the refugee from Hungary, had an unexpected signal effect, nobody denies that. But I have only met a few who have decided differently in the concrete situation. Had they done that?
The World: No, but it would have been good if it had been said immediately: This is a unique exception in a special situation. Instead, we have a different message sent: first welcome after apparently for fear of their own courage, the closing of the EU's internal borders. Now people make from Karachi to us on the way. The narrowing of the debate on Syria has become a sham.
Spahn: why's the debate that Thomas de Maizière has begun, as important: How many people can take the EU? More than 800,000 refugees creates Germany this year, but certainly not every year. Important are common standards and procedures in the EU, including in my view quotas for refugees, which takes Europe per year. We have to regain control of our EU external border. This is a difficult debate, but we must keep honest.
The World: How feels the CDU presidium loss of control?
Spahn: All in the Union know that there is an exceptional situation. To complain is idle. It is crucial that we send to the important points the right signals. With the consensual tightening of asylum within three weeks, a first signal is set. And that we are now talking more about the causes of flight and the situation in the regions of origin, is also important.
The World: They were the first from the top CDU who has criticized after the entry permit for the Budapest refugees. Are you satisfied now with Angela Merkel's course?
Spahn: (laughs) I am basically always satisfied. Seriously, I have not criticized the decision to enter, but I wished for a wider debate and a more honest representation of the facts. Before louder balloons so no one has talked about the issues that drive many people. Before we do strenuous years, that's not everything in a couple of weeks ago. We should tell the people honestly. Only in this way arises the acceptance, now to make the most of active able.
The World: The polls for Angela Merkel deteriorate. Does that surprise you?
Spahn: In a period of uncertainty, people have many questions and concerns.But there are more than 70 percent satisfied with the work of the Chancellor. That shows great confidence.
To gloss over because there is nothing - The problems in the initial reception facilities, the attacks against Christians or Women
The World: The CSU runs a rhetorical rigid price, partly from our own regional concern, partly out of concern over the political protection to the right. If the CDU to such a bandwidth in a position?
Spahn: The Bavarian Prime Minister was on the Refugee Forum, as a constructive role like everyone else. CDU and CSU are only strong together. We need more than ever to cover all aspects of the current debate. The enforcement of constitutional order, agreement on the values ​​and principles that apply to all, or the necessary economic stimulus, these issues are all core competencies of the Union. Therein lies a huge programmatic chance.
Die Welt: Still: Missing the CDU a Quantum hardness to include even the skeptics by Angela Merkel welcoming gesture?
Spahn: We show necessary hardness in the reform of the asylum law, and willingness to hardness, it is also need for the concrete implementation. But the core of the Union parties also counts: Everyone who has come to us is treated sensibly.
The World: Have the necessary hardness in implementing the necessary allies?
Spahn: Yes, the vast majority of people in our country. Even the most dedicated helper asks questions when he sees that many refugees come not from Syria, but from the Balkans or increasingly from Pakistan. And the problems in the initial reception facilities, the attacks on Christians or women - because there is nothing to gloss over.
The work of the police for the rule of law and the protection of the weaker will get a whole new appreciation, because I'm pretty sure.And thus again better equipment.
The World: There are abandoned landscapes, where all the infrastructure is ready. One could there like once give homes in Prussia Syrian refugees, saying Builds you something. Instead, refugees are sent to overcrowded Munich.
Spahn: In order to integrate counts the credible economic prospects for individuals. What's going on, the regional leaders must assess. An exciting approach could certainly be to say: It is not only forced to accept refugees. If a city or county says on its own, we will gladly accept more refugees than we need, because we see a positive opportunity for us is that we should support with financial incentives.
The World: Forced but very important for some. Hamburg wants to commandeer commercial properties as refugee shelters, with a law, which says: With this law, the inviolability of the home is limited. The Greens in Rhineland-Palatinate are considering similar. Whether the situation in Syria is better in ten years, some people less interested than the fear soon Räumkommandos stood outside her apartment door.
Nieheim in Nordrhein-Westfalen
Refugee accommodation
City announces tenants for own use
Spahn: A seizure of residential apartments is not at issue. Such reports provide personalize it on the front page of British media. These are not the headlines, with whom we maintain the British in the EU ...
The World: The case in North Rhine-Westphalia, where the tenant a municipal housing have been terminated for captive use in favor of refugees, speaks a different language.
Spahn: That was an isolated incident. If anything, it should go to properties that are empty and the owner deliberately not be developed.
The World: In the 2008 financial crisis, the Chancellor said: The passbooks are safe. Do we need now from her mouth the finding: The apartments are safe?After all, the war generation of pension cohorts has their experience.
Spahn: Clear and concise: A seizure occupied housing plans no.

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