Sunday, August 30, 2015

Grist Environmental

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In Appalachia, the coal industry is in collapse, but the mountains aren’t coming back

In the first half of this year, at least six domestic coal companies filed for bankruptcy.

This is a story about weed and hoes

Now that weeds can stand up to herbicides, farmers have to uproot them the old-fashioned way: with garden tools.

Jeb Bush once tried to house Katrina victims on cruise ships

While Bush is praised for his response to Hurricane Katrina victims in Florida, no one is talking about his Carnival Cruise boondoggle.

Air pollution at home could lower kids’ GPAs

In a study of almost 2,000 kids in El Paso, Texas, researchers found a strong correlation between air pollution and academic performance.

Low-income, black women largely ignored in Katrina recovery

Ten years later, some women say they feel like they were better off before the storm.

That 15-foot-long tiger shark need wrestling? Leave it to the pros

You probably aren't going to tango with a tiger shark anytime soon -- but David Shiffman does it on a weekly basis, for science.

Was there a link between climate change and Hurricane Katrina?

Here's what the science says.

Tea Partiers are almost as dumb about vaccines as they are about climate change

A new study shows it's not just hippies who distrust vaccination.

Musk’s new Tesla gets extra credit in respected auto test

The Model S P85D scored a logically impossible 103 out of 100 in a Consumer Reports evaluation.

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